dc:description"Figure 4. Four new records of B. ekmaniana (KBA-L- 0000412 for A-C), B. friesiana (KBA-L- 0001914 for D-F), B. heterochroa (KBA-L- 0000386 for G-I) and B. suffusa (KBA-L- 0000359 for J-L) in morphology A habitus and apothecia. Granular thallus with green-grey pigment and straw-coloured apothecia B-C apothecial section with colourless epihymenium, red-brown hypothecium, and pale excipulum D habitus and apothecia. Thallus pale grey with slightly brownish pigment and pale pink apothecia E, F apothecial section with greenish epihymenium G habitus and apothecia. Thallus pale yellowish-grey and black apothecia with red pigment H, I apothecial section and proper exciple with dark margin J habitus and apothecia. Thallus whitish pale grey and pruinose apothecia K, L apothecial section with radiating clusters of crystals, which produce pruina on surface. Scale bars: 500 μm (A, D, G, J); 100 μm (B, E, H, K); 50 μm (C, I, L); 20 μm (F).";
dc:description"Figure 2. Phylogenetic relationships amongst available species in the genus Bacidia, based on a Maximum Likelihood analysis of the dataset of ITS sequences. The tree was rooted with the sequences of the genus Biatora, based on Gerasimova et al. (2018). Maximum Likelihood bootstrap values ≥ 70 % and posterior probabilities ≥ 95 % are shown above internal branches. Branches with bootstrap values ≥ 90 % are shown as thick lines. New sequences produced in this study are presented in bold. All species names are followed by the GenBank accession numbers.";