dc:title"A genus in disguise. Revision of the genus Salcedia Fairmaire, 1899 with descriptions of nine new species (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scaritinae, Salcediini)";
dc:description"Figures 58 - 63. Salcedia species, male genitalia, dorsal view of aedeagus (a) and parameres (b, c), lateral view (d). Small sketches in black symbolising the apex in cross section 58 S. schoutedeni Alluaud 59 S. nigeriensis Alluaud 60 S. putzeysi (Oberthuer) 61 S. matsumotoi sp. nov. 62 S. procera sp. nov. 63 S. baroensis sp. nov.";
dc:description"Figures 77 - 83. Salcedia species, female coxostyli (gonopod IX) and laterotergite IX (epipleutite IX). n. 77 S. procera sp. nov. 78 S. baroensis sp. nov. 79 S. utetea sp. nov. 80 S. lukulua sp. nov. 81 S. robusta sp. nov. 82 S. miranda (Andrewes) 83 S. parallela Baehr.";
dc:description"Figure 84. Map of tropical Africa providing an overview of the occurrence of all African Salcedia species described to date (recorded localities plotted). 1 (black S. perrieri Fairmaire; 2 (white) S. unifoveata sp. nov.; 3 (black circle) S. faillei sp. nov.; 4 (red) S. coquilhati Alluaud; 5 (yellow) S. elongata Alluaud; 6 (blue) S. africana (Britton); 7 (orange) S. utetea sp. nov.; 8 (grey) S. procera sp. nov.; 9 (light green) S. robusta sp. nov.; 10 (turquoise) S. schoutedeni Alluaud; 11 (purple) S. lukulua sp. nov.; 12 (dark green) S. tuberculata sp. nov.; 13 (brown) S. baroensis sp. nov.; 14 (light blue) S. nigeriensis Alluaud; 16 (dark blue) S. putzeysi (Oberthuer); 17 (black) S. matsumotoi sp. nov.;? in a circle (twice): collection locality of a single female Salcedia specimen of uncertain species. Basic schematic map of Africa taken from SimpleMappr. net.";