dc:description"FIGURE 7. A–G. Cuphea araguaiaensis. A. Habit; B. Detail of a branch with brachyblasts; C. Abaxial surface of the leaf, with strongly revolute margins; D. Floral tube in lateral view, without petals; E. Floral tube in longitudinal-dorsal section, without petals; F. Pistil; G. Seed. H–N. Cuphea auriflora. H. Habit; I. Flowering branch; J. Flower in frontal view; K. Floral tube in lateral view, without petals; L. Floral tube in longitudinal-dorsal section, without petals; M. Pistil; N. Seed.A–F: Pereira-Silva et al. 17010; G: Macêdo et al. 825; H–M: Facco et al. 494; N: Cavalcanti et al. CFCR 9682. Scale bar.A: 5 cm; B: 4 mm; C, G, N: 1 mm; D–F, L, M: 2 mm; K: 3 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. A–H. Cuphea laricoides. A. Habit; B. Branch with brachyblasts; C–D. Branches with white (C) and lilac (D) flowers; E. Floral tube in lateral view, without petals; F. Floral tube in longitudinal-dorsal section, without petals; G. Pistil; H. Seed. I–N. Cuphea micrantha. I. Habit; J. Flower in lateral view and ruptured fruit with exposed placenta carrying a seed; K. Floral tube in lateral view, without petals; L. Floral tube in longitudinal-dorsal section, without petals; M. Pistil; N. Seed. A: Pereira-Silva et al. 17161; B, D, G, H: Pereira-Silva et al. 17160; C, E, F: Pereira-Silva et al. 17180; I: Pereira-Silva et al. 17081; K, M, N: Sevilha et al. 5872; L: Scariot et al. 386. Scale bar. E–G, L, M: 2 mm; H, N: 1 mm; K: 3 mm. Photo. J: Joel M.P. Cordeiro.";
dc:description"FIGURE 13. A–G. Cuphea odonellii. A–B. Branches with flowers; C. Flower in frontal view; D. Floral tube in lateral view, without petals; E. Floral tube in longitudinal-dorsal section, without petals; F. Pistil; G. Seed. H–N. Cuphea paralarix. H. Habit; I. Branches with brachyblasts; J. Flower in frontal view; K. Floral tube in lateral view, without petals; L. Floral tube in longitudinal-dorsal section, without petals; M. Pistil; N. Seed. A–C: Pereira-Silva et al. 17041; D, F: Hunt & Ramos 5782; E: Hopkins et al. 1784; G: Prance et al. 3375; I, L: Pereira-Silva et al. 17146; K: Cavalcanti et al. 3910A; M–N: Simon et al. 2939. Scale bar. D–F, K–M: 2 mm; G, N: 1 mm. Photos. H, J: Maurício Mercadante.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. A–G. Cuphea ericoides. A. Habit; B. Detail of the branches; C. Flowering branch; D. Floral tube in lateral view, without petals; E. Floral tube in longitudinal-dorsal section, without petals; F. Pistil. G. Seed. H–M. Cuphea flava. H. Habit; I. Flowering branch; J. Floral tube in lateral view, without petals; K. Floral tube in longitudinal-dorsal section, without petals; L. Pistil; M. Seed.A, C: Facco et al. 492; B, E–G: Facco et al. 485; D: Facco et al. 491; J, K: Bovini et al. 1724; L: Sevilha & Pereira-Silva 2213; M: Davidse et al. 17808. Scale bar. D, E, J: 3 mm; F, K, L: 2 mm; G, M: 1 mm. Photos. H–I: Marcos V. Dantas Queiroz.";