dc:description"Fig. 1. Morphologicial diversity in Calenduleae. a,b — Garuleum pinnatifidum pinnatisect leaves and blue-violet rays; c — Osteospermum moniliferum unripe drupaceous fruits developing from the ray florets of the central capitulum; d —fruit from a single individual within Osteospermum sect. Calendula; e — Garuleum bipinnatum, fruiting head showing dimorphic fruit developing from ray and disc florets; f — Garuleum pinnatifidum, fruiting head showing fruit developing only from rays; g — Dimorphotheca cuneata capitulum; h —fruiting head of a species from Osteospermum sect. Calendula; i —Dimorphotheca polyptera fruiting head showing winged ray fruit and flattened disc fruit; j — Osteospermum nordenstamii capitulum; k — D. sinuata immature ray and disk fruits showing packing; l — D. pluvialis ray (left) and disc (right) fruit; m — O. sinuatum, unripe three-winged fruit with apical air cavity; n — D. cuneata capitula; o — O.connatum capitula; p — O. scariosum capitulum; q — D. sinuata capitulum from below. Photo credits: a,b — Gerhard Malan, iNaturalist; c — Joan Young, NaturesWow; d — Fig. 27B from Gon¸calves et al. (2018) showing Calendula suffruticosa subsp. suffruticosa; e — Thabo Maphisa, OperationWildflower; f — R. Sadler; g — Liz Makings; h —Plantas y Hongos website: Calendula arvensis; i — N.van Berkel, iNaturalist; j,k,m,n,o,q — N.Bergh; l — K.Pillay; p — A.G.Ellis.";
dc:description"Fig. 4. Bayesian consensus tree, as in Fig.3, but with all nodes collapsed except those with BS Ż 75% and/or PP Ż 0.9. Type species are marked with an asterisk in front of the species name. Characters were obtained from taxonomic literature cited in the text.Floral, life-history, fruit and leaf characters for Osteospermum sect.Calendula were obtained from Meikle (1976). Disc style characters were obtained from Norlindh (1943). Seed oil characters were obtained from Smith et al. (1960), Earle et al. (1962), Barclay and Earle (1965), and (Chisholm and Hopkins, 1967). Letters in parentheses after species names indicate taxonomic placement: C — Osteospermum sect. Calendula; Ca — former Castalis; D — Dimorphotheca sensu stricto; H — O. sect. Homocarpae; M — former Monoculus; O — O. sect. Coriaceae; OsB — O. sect.Blaxium; P — O. sect. Polygalinae; R — O. sect. Trialatae; T — O. subgenus. Tripteris (former Tripteris).";
dc:description"Fig. 3. Bayesian consensus tree with average branch lengths inferred from concatenated nuclear and plastid DNA with associated indels. Numbers at nodes represent parsimony bootstrap percentages followed by Bayesian posterior probability (PP) values (only indicated on nodes receiving Ż 50% bootstrap and Ż 0.50 PP support). Tip name abbreviations: C = Osteospermum sect.Calendula, D = Dimorphotheca, G = Garuleum, O = Osteospermum. Members of Norlindh’s subgenus Tripteris are indicated by a symbol indicated three-winged fruits.Orange, bold font indicates the accessions of D. polyptera.";