dc:description"FIGURE 8. Aboral cups and columnals of Pseudoconocrinus doncieuxi and aboral cup of?Democrinus cf. elongatus. A–F: P. doncieuxi suboblongus n. subsp.; A–C: holotype from Fontcouverte à l’Estagnol (MNHN.F.A81998), A: lateral view, B: distal face of radial circlet, C: aboral face with stalk insertion with proximalmost columnals preserved; D–F: paratypes, D–E: from Lavade (MNHN.F.A81999), F: from Réqui (MNHN.F.A82000), D: oblique lateral view showing stalk insertion, E: oblique lateral view of same specimen showing proximal face of radial circlet, F: distal face of radial circlet; G–I:?D. elongatus from Lavade (MNHN.F.A82010), G: lateral view, H: distal face of radial circlet, I: detail of H showing interradial crest and muscular synarthrial facet; J–Q: columnals of P. doncieuxi from Fontcouverte à l’Estagnol (MNHN.F.A69946), J–K: columnal of middle mesistele, K: detail of fulcral ridge; L–N: columnals of dististele, L: oblique proximal view, M: lateral view, N: distal facet, O–Q: columnal of distal mesistele, Q: detail of fulcral ridge. Scale bar equals 1 mm (A–B, D–F, G), 0.5 mm (C, H–I, L–P), 0.25 mm (J, Q) and 0.12 mm (K).";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Variations in main quantitative characters related to columnal shape and aboral cups of P. doncieuxi suboblongus n. subsp. from Réqui. The coloured envelopes cover more than 90% of specimens; straight lines indicate values of H/D (left) and Hc/Dc (right) (in purple: specimens from Réqui, and, for comparison, in green: P. doncieuxi from the Fontcouverte sites, except for Lavade, in red: P. lavadensis n. sp. from Lavade). Dp and red bar: range of stalk insertion diameter (= proximalmost stalk diameter) measured on aboral cups from Réqui. Values in mm, except for ratios (black straight lines). See Fig. 2 for abbreviations.";