dc:description"FIGURE 2. Blepharoneura martyae, new species: A) head and mesonotum, dorsal view; B) female habitus, lateral view; C) wing pattern (scale 1 mm). Male terminalia: D) phallus and glans; E) Epandrium and surstyli, posterior view. Female terminalia: F–G) aculeus ventral view, close up detail of aculeus tip (scale 0.1 mm); H) aculeus of B. aspiculosa used for comparison (from Norrbom & Condon 2010).";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Blepharoneura zapoteca, new species:A) head and mesonotum, dorsal view; B) posterior view of the mediotergite and abdominal pattern of tegites; C) general habitus of male holotype, lateral view; D) wing pattern (scale 1 mm).";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Blepharoneura xalapensis, new species: A) head and mesonotum, dorsal view; B) head and mesopleuron, lateral view; C) general male habitus, dorsal view; D) wing pattern (scale 1 mm). Male terminalia: E) epandrium and surstyli, posterior view; F) lateral and medial surstyli, postero-lateral view; F) glans.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Blepharoneura isabelae, new species: A) general male habitus, dorsal view; B) head and thorax, lateral view; C) wing pattern (scale 1 mm). Male terminalia: D) epandrium and surstyli, posterior view; E) detail of lateral and medial surstyli, postero-ventral view; F) glans.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Blepharoneura dzuli, new species: A) general male habitus, dorsal view (faint striped pattern of scutum, atypical); B) male habitus, lateral view; C) wing pattern (scale 1 mm). Male terminalia: D) epandrium and surstyli, posterior view; E–F) epandrium and surstyli, lateral view and detail of apical surstyli; G) glans.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Blepharoneura alleni, new species: A) female habitus, dorsal view; B–C) wing pattern variations (scale 1 mm). Female terminalia: D–E) aculeus in ventral view, and close-up detail of aculeus tip (scale 0.1 mm); F) detail of hook-scales of eversible membrane. Male terminalia: G) epandrium and susrtyli, posterior view; H) glans. I) drawing of the aculeus of B. mikenoltei used for comparison (copied from Norrbom & Condon 2010).";