dc:title"A Unitary Association-based conodont biozonation of the Smithian-Spathian boundary (Early Triassic) and associated biotic crisis from South China";
dc:description"Fig. 16 Neogondolellinae, Novispathodinae and Mullerinae from Shanggang and Youping cascade. Magnification is ×80.The scale bar is 400 μm. All elements are considered to be P1 elements if not specifically identified otherwise. A, F, M Discretella? n. sp. C; A YC16,PIMUZ 39115; F YC16, PIMUZ 39116; M SHA342C, PIMUZ 39117. B Discretella? n. sp. B;YC16, PIMUZ 39113. C Discretella aff.discreta (MÜller);YC22,PIMUZ 39106. D, S Discretella discreta (MÜller); D YC16, PIMUZ 39110; S SHA304C, PIMUZ 39111. E Novispathodus ex gr. abruptus (Orchard);YC41, PIMUZ 39225. G–I, K, L, N, O Discretella pseudodieneri n. sp.; G YC16, PIMUZ 39124; H YC25, PIMUZ 39125; I SHA304C,PIMUZ 39126; K YC22, PIMUZ 39127,L YC25, PIMUZ 39128; N SHA304C,PIMUZ 39129; O SHA343C,PIMUZ SQL54979. J Guangxidella bransoni (MÜller);YC16, PIMUZ 39140. P–R Neospathodus bevelledi n. sp.; P SHA 304C,PIMUZ 39178; Q SHA333C, PIMUZ 39179; R YC12, PIMUZ 39180";
dc:description"Fig. 17 Novispathodinae from Qiakong,Laren, Shanggang,and Lilong. Magnification is × 80.The scale bar is 400 μm. All elements are considered to be P1 elements if not specifically identified otherwise. A–C, J, T, AA Novispathodus ex gr. pingdingshanensis (Zhao & Orchard);A, QIA138,PIMUZ 39226; B QIA138, PIMUZ 39227; C LAR202, PIMUZ 39228; J QIA136, PIMUZ 39229;T LIL504, PIMUZ 39230; AA LIL508,PIMUZ 39231. D–F, M–P, R, S, U, X, AB, AD Novispathodus pingdingshanensis (Zhao & Orchard); D QIA135, PIMUZ 39259; E LIL508,PIMUZ 39260; F LIL506, PIMUZ 39261; M LIL506, PIMUZ 39262; N LIL506,PIMUZ 39263; O LIL507, PIMUZ 39264; P LIL506, PIMUZ 39265; R LIL508,PIMUZ 39266; S LAR204,PIMUZ 39267; U LIL507, PIMUZ 39268; X LIL508, PIMUZ 39269; AB LIL508, PIMUZ 39270; AD LIL508, PIMUZ 39271. G, I, Q Novispathodus cf.?gryphus n. sp.; G QIA136, PIMUZ 39204; I QIA136, PIMUZ 39205; Q QIA135, PIMUZ 39206. H, K, L Novispathodus gryphus n. sp.; H QIA135, PIMUZ 39243; K LIL506, PIMUZ 39244; L LIL506,PIMUZ 39245. V Novispathodus praebrevissimus n. sp.; LIL507, PIMUZ 39273. W, Y, Z, AE Novispathodus ex gr. abruptus (Orchard); W LIL505, PIMUZ 39208; Y SHA346,PIMUZ 39209; Z LIL506, PIMUZ 39210; AE SHA346, PIMUZ 39211. AC sp. indet.; LIL504, PIMUZ 39295. AF Novispathodus pingdingshanensis (P1 cluster) (Zhao & Orchard); QIA136, PIMUZ 39272";