dc:description"FIGURE 1. Spinacopia dietkeyseri sp. nov. (Adult female: A, B and D—ZMH K- 41914; immature male: C, E and F—ZMH K- 41917). A—right valve of carapace in lateral view, B—left valve in inside view ,, C—carapace in antero-dorsal view, Drostrum in inside view, E and F—detail of postero-dorsal bulge on carapace.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Spinacopia dietkeyseri sp. nov. (Adult female: A – G—ZMH K- 41915). A—right valve in lateral view, Bcarapace in anterior view, C—carapace in ventral view, D—postero-dorsal view of carapace, E—postero-ventral view of open carapace, F—anterior area of carapace in outside view, G—anterior area of carapace in inside view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Spinacopia dietkeyseri sp. nov. (Adult female: A – D—ZMH K- 41914). A—caudal process in inside view, Binner margin of infold anterior to caudal process, C—caudal process in outside view, D ─ caudal process in inside view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Spinacopia dietkeyseri sp. nov. (Adult female: A – K—ZMH K- 41914). A—first antenna and rod-shaped organ, B—rod-shaped organ, C and D—left and right exo- and endopodite of second antenna, E—distal part of left endopodit of second antenna, F—distal part of right endopodit of second antenna, G—distal part of left endopodite of second antenna, H and I—basale segment of mandible.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Spinacopia dietkeyseri sp. nov. (Adult female: A – G—ZMH K- 41914). A—mandible, B and C— 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd segments of mandible, D—coxale endite of mandible, E and F—exopodite of right and left mandible, G—maxilla.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Spinacopia dietkeyseri sp. nov. (Adult female: A and B - ZMH K- 41914; immature male: C – G—ZMH K- 41916). A— 6 th limb, B—posterior part of body, C—first antenna (setae not shown) and rod-shaped organ, D—rod-shaped organ, Esecond antenna, F and G—endopodite of second antenna.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Spinacopia dietkeyseri sp. nov. (Immature male: A – F—ZMH K- 41916). A and B— 1 st endopodite segment of mandible, C—exopodite of mandible, D and E distal part of 5 th limb seen from different sides, F— 6 th limb,";