dc:description"Figure 8. A–H, ‘Omagari tubes’, Campanian, Hokkaido, Japan; A, OMG03-4a, hand specimen with many, similar-diameter tubes with brown walls encased in carbonate; B, OMG03-3b, detail of tube with brown wall, outer wall appears smooth; C, D, OMG03-1, cluster of tubes (C) with mineralized walls but not encased in carbonate, and detail of individual tubes (D); E, OMG03-2, tubes with brown walls in section; F, OMG03-4b, large-diameter tube in transverse section with wall comprised of many layers; G, OMG03-1, preserved tear in the wall of a tube suggesting an originally fibrous nature; H, clump of Omagari tubes (reproduced from Hikida et al. 2003). I, clump of the roots of the seep vestimentiferan Lamellibrachia luymesi (donated by C. Fisher). Scale bars: A = 10 mm; B = 1 mm; C = 5 mm; D, E = 2 mm; F = 500 µm; G = 50 µm; H, I = 20 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 23. Strict consensus cladograms constructed using a total of 64 modern and fossil annelid taxa and 48 mostly morphological tube characters. Analyses were performed using implied character weighting, with the concavity constant set as default (k = 3; A), and also set to downweight homoplastic characters less (k = 4; B). Numbers on nodes represent groups present/contradicted support values. Modern taxa are coloured according to taxonomic groups; fossil taxa are in grey. A, consensus of 271 most parsimonious trees (best score = 15.387, consistency index = 0.195, retention index = 0.264); B, consensus of 60 most parsimonious trees (best score = 13.568, consistency index = 0.232, retention index = 0.569). Symbols/colours indicate taxonomic affinities.";