dc:creator"D’Archino, Roberta; Zuccarello, Giuseppe C.";
dc:title"Two red macroalgae newly introduced into New Zealand: Pachymeniopsis lanceolata (K. Okamura) Y. Yamada ex S. Kawabata and Fushitsunagia catenata Filloramo et G. W. Saunders";
dc:description"Figures 17–24: Fushitsunagia catenata. Habit, vegetative and reproductive morphology. (17) A tetrasporic specimen collected in Lyttelton harbour (WELT A034384). Scale bar = 2 cm. (18) Alternate clavate branches of a tetrasporangial specimen (WEL A034384). Scale bar = 1 mm. (19) The abrupt transition between sub isodiametric cells of the pseudoparenchymatous inner cortex and the two or three layered outer cortex (WELT A034384). Scale bar = 20 μm. (20) Irregular branching of a cystocarpic specimen (WELT A034383). Scale bar = 1 cm. (21) Clustered sessile and basally constricted globose cystocarps (WELT A034383). Scale bar = 1 mm. (22) Surface of an ostiolate pericarp (WELT A034383). Scale bar = 1 mm. (23) Alternate or opposite branching of a tetrasporic specimen (WELT A034382). Scale bar = 1 cm. (24) Tetrasporangia encircling the inside margins of wide sorus opening (WELT A034382). Scale bar = 1 mm.";