dc:description"Text-fig. 6. Cornaceae. Alangium (a–e), Mastixia (f–r). a–e: Alangium, DMNH EPI.47806. Scale bar = 1cm. b, e: Reflected light, palladium coated. a, c, d: Micro-CT scan surface rendering. a: Locule cast, face view of slightly larger locule. b: Face view of slightly smaller locule. c: Lateral view of the endocarp, the slightly enlarged left carpel separated from the smaller carpel by a longitudinal septal groove; the faint pitting in the groove suggestive of the septal vasculature. d, e: Views of either end of the endocarp, illustrating the size difference between the two carpels and the pitting in the septal groove suggestive of the septal vasculature. f–k: Mastixia USNM PAL772362. Scale bar = 1cm. f, g, j, k: reflected light,palladium coated; h, i: micro-CT scan surface rendering. f: Lateral view of endocarp, inferred dorsal germination valve groove facing the viewer. Note irregular, rugose, longitudinal ridges. g: Lateral view of endocarp, inferred germination valve with median longitudinal groove to left. h: Lateral view of endocarp reoriented with the same longitudinal groove to the right. i: Lateral view, rotated to ventral surface. j: View of one end of the endocarp, germination valve groove up. k: Opposite end view, with prominent radial ridges and intervening grooves, germination valve groove up. l–r: Mastixia USNM PAL 772363. Scale bar = 1cm. l: View of one face of endocarp, displaying a groove that may represent the surficial expression of the dorsal infold of a Mastixia-like germination valve. Surface badly eroded, reflected light, palladium coated. m: Opposite face of endocarp displaying extensive erosion and a central hole interpreted as feeding damage. n: Lateral view; m, n micro-CT scan surface renderings. o: A view of one end, displaying the prominent groove, reflected light, palladium coated. p: Opposite end to (o). q: View as in (o); p, q micro-CT scan surface renderings. r: Virtual transverse section showing curved locule (arrows).";