dc:title"Description of the first cryptobranch onchidoridid Onchimira cavifera gen. et sp. nov., and of three new species of the genera Adalaria Bergh, 1879 and Onchidoris Blainville, 1816 (Nudibranchia: Onchidorididae) from Kamchatka waters";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Labial cuticles, scanning electron micrographs. A – D, general views: A. Onchimira cavifera gen. et sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37450, living specimen, 18 mm length, Starichkov Island; B. Calycidoris guentheri Abraham, 1876, ZIN N 40, preserved specimen, 23 mm length, Bering Sea, 66 ° 55,5 ' N 165 ° 55,1 ' W, from 22 m depth; C. Adalaria slavi sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37457, living specimen, 18 mm length, Starichkov Island; D. Adalaria olgae sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37455, living specimen, 9 mm length, Starichkov Id.; E – H, details: E. Onchimira cavifera gen. et sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37450; F. Calycidoris guentheri Abraham, 1876, ZIN N 40; G. Adalaria slavi sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37457; H. Adalaria olgae sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37455. Scale bars: A ― 100 μm, B ― 500 μm, C ― 100 μm, D ― 50 μm, E ― 50 μm, F ― 50 μm, G ― 10 μm, H ― 10 μm. Photos: Alexander Martynov.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Adalaria olgae sp. nov., living animals. A – B, Holotype, ZMMU Lc- 37451, living animal, 13.5 mm length, NW Pacific, Kamchatka peninsula, Starichkov Island; A. Dorsal view; B. Ventral view; C – D, paratype, ZMMU Lc- 37455, living animal 12 mm length, from the same locality as holotype; C. Close up of the gills; D. Rhinophore and rhinophoral pocket enlarged; E. Paratype, ZMMU Lc- 37455, living animal, 11 mm length, from the same locality as holotype, everted penis. Photos: A – B Tatiana Korshunova; C – E Karen Sanamyan.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Parts of the dorsal spicule network including tubercles, scanning electron micrographs. A – B, Onchimira cavifera gen. et sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37448; A. Living animal, 18 mm length; B. Same, details enlarged; C. Calycidoris guentheri Abraham, 1876, ZIN N 40, preserved specimen, 23 mm length; D – F, Adalaria slavi sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37457; D. Living specimen, 18 mm length; E. Details of tubercles; F. Close up of the spicules; G – H, Adalaria olgae sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37455; G. Living specimen, 9 mm length; H. Close up of the spicules; I – J, Onchidoris macropompa sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37465; I. Living specimen, 15 mm length; J. Close up of the spicules; K. Adalaria jannae Millen, 1987, living animal, 8 mm length, NE Pacific, Kamchatka peninsula, Starichkov Island, from 13 – 15 m depth. Scale bars: A ― 200 μm, B ― 50 μm, C ― 500 μm, D ― 500 μm, E ― 200 μm, F ― 100 μm, G ― 200 μm, H ― 50 μm, I ― 200 μm, J ― 100 μm, K ― 500 μm. Photos: Alexander Martynov.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Representatives of the genera Adalaria, Onchidoris and Calycidoris, dorsal and ventral views. A. Adalaria jannae Millen, 1987, ZMMU, not registered, living animal, 8 mm length, Starichkov Island; B. Adalaria proxima (Alder et Hancock, 1854), ZMMU, not registered, Barents Sea, Dalne-Zelenetskaya Bay, living non-mature specimen with poorly differentiated reproductive system and smooth first lateral teeth, 13 mm length, intertidal; C. Adalaria proxima (Alder & Hancock, 1854), ZMMU, not registered, living juvenile, 7 mm length, White Sea, Kandalakshsky Bay, Cape Kartesh, depth 5 – 7 m; D. Onchidoris muricata (Müller, 1776), ZMMU, not registered, living animal, 7 mm length, Barents Sea, Dalne-Zelenetskaya Bay, intertidal; E. Calycidoris guentheri Abraham, 1876, ZIN N 40, preserved specimen, 23 mm length, Bering Sea, 66 ° 55,5 ' N 165 ° 55,1 ' W, from 22 m depth. Photos: Tatiana Korshunova.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Buccal pumps, posterior and lateral views. A. Onchimira cavifera gen. et sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37447; B. Adalaria slavi sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37460, living specimen, 10 mm length; C. Adalaria olgae sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37455, living specimen, 12 mm length; D. Onchidoris macropompa sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37465, living specimen, 15 mm length. Scale bars ― 1 mm. Drawings by Tatiana Korshunova based on Alexander Martynov originals.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Radulae of species of the genus Adalaria, scanning electron micrographs. A – C, Adalaria slavi sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37457, living specimen, 18 mm length; A. Middle part of the radula; B. Several middle rows showing outer laterals; C. Enlarged first laterals showing cusp denticle pattern; D. Adalaria slavi sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37460, juvenile, 7 mm, middle part of the radula; E – F, Adalaria olgae sp. nov., paratype ZMMU Lc- 37454, living specimen, 9 mm length; E. Middle part of the radula; F. Few enlarged middle rows showing cusp denticles pattern of the first laterals and outer lateral teeth; G. Adalaria proxima (Alder & Hancock, 1854), ZMMU, not registered, Barents Sea, Dalne-Zelenetskaya Bay, living non-mature specimen with poorly differentiated reproductive system and smooth first lateral teeth, 15 mm length, intertidal, middle part of the radula; H. Adalaria olgae sp. nov., paratype, ZMMU Lc- 37455, living specimen, 10 mm length, middle part of the radula; I. Adalaria tschuktschica Krause, 1885, ZMMU, not registered, preserved specimen, 8 mm length, Chukchi Sea, Vrangel. Id., from 7 m depth, close up of the first laterals from the middle part of the radula showing pattern of cusp denticles; J – K, Adalaria jannae Millen 1987, ZMMU, not registered, living specimen, 8 mm length, Starichkov Island; J. Middle part of the radula, showing outer lateral teeth; K. Close up of the first laterals showing pattern of cusp denticles; L. Adalaria proxima (Alder et Hancock, 1854), ZMMU, not registered, juvenile specimen, 5 mm length, White Sea; M. Adalaria tschuktschica, middle part of the radula. Scale bars: A ― 50 μm, B ― 50 μm, C ― 20 μm, D ― 20 μm, E ― 50 μm, F ― 20 μm, G ― 30 μm, H ― 50 μm, I ― 20 μm, J ― 20 μm, K ― 20 μm, L ― 30 μm, M ― 50 μm. Photos: Alexander Martynov.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Reproductive system of members of the genus Adalaria. A – B, Adalaria slavi sp. nov., based on examination of three paratypes ZMMU Lc- 37447, living specimens, 18 – 20 mm length; A. Dorsal view; B. Details of the seminal reservoirs, vagina and connecting ducts; C – D, Adalaria olgae sp. nov., based on examination of three paratypes, Lc- 37455, living specimens, 9 – 12 mm length; C. Dorsal view; D. Lateral view showing oviduct, vagina and bursa connections. Scale bars ― 1 mm. Drawings by Tatiana Korshunova based on Alexander Martynov originals.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Adalaria slavi sp. nov., living animals. A – B, Holotype, ZMMU Lc- 37456, living animal, 23 mm length, NW Pacific, Kamchatka peninsula, Starichkov Island; A. Dorsal view; B. Ventral view showing a trilobed oral veil; C – F, paratype, ZMMU Lc- 37457, living animal, 20 mm length; C. Left lateral view showing the distinctive pattern of numerous small white dots on the hyponotum; D. Close up of the rhinophore and rhinophoral pocket; E. Gills, enlarged; F. Ventral view showing long everted penis. Photos: A – C, F Tatiana Korshunova; D – E Karen Sanamyan.";