dc:description"FIGURE 51. Male of Marma rosea (Mello-Leit„o, 1941), specimen from S„o Geraldo do Araguaia/Brazil, structures of chelicerae. A–C right chelicera, retrolateral (A general view, B detail of cheliceral keel setae, C detail of cheliceral teeth). D–F right chelicera, prolateral (D general view, E detail of setae on prolateral surface, F detail of setae on distal region). White arrows in C show promarginal teeth; red rectangle in fig. 51D detailed in fig. 51E.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Male of Marma baeri Simon, 1902, specimen from Montañita/Santa Elena/Ecuador (QCAZ). A–B habitus (A dorsal, B ventral); C–D left male palp (C ventral; D retrolateral).";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Male of Marma baeri Simon, 1902, specimen from Montañita/Santa Elena/Ecuador.A–F left palp (A bulb, ventral; B tip of embolus and PED, ventral; C dissected embolic disc and embolus, dorsal; D detail of embolus shaft, dorsal; E cymbial conductor, ventral; F proximal region of cymbium, ventral).Abbreviations: cc—cymbial conductor; e—embolus shaft; ed—em- bolic disc; PED—process on embolic disc. Black arrow in C shows groove; white arrows in D show spikes of embolus shaft and white arrow in F shows retroventral projection of cymbium.";
dc:description"FIGURE 36. Marma nigritarsis (Simon, 1900), specimens from Belém/Pará/Brasil. A–D male, MPEG 34357 (A habitus, dorsal; B ventral; C left palp, ventral; D retrolateral). E–F female, MPEG 34358 (E habitus, dorsal; F ventral).";
dc:description"FIGURE 40. Male of Marma nigritarsis (Simon, 1900). A–D left palp (A apical region of cymbium, ventral; B tibia and proximal region of cymbium, ventral; C dissected embolic disc and embolus, dorsal; D detail of embolus shaft, dorsal). Abbreviations: cc—cymbial conductor; e—embolus shaft; ed—embolic disc; PED—process on embolic disc. Black arrow in B shows retroventral projection of cymbium; in C shows groove; white arrow in C shows projection of embolus base; white arrows in D show spikes of embolus shaft.";
dc:description"FIGURE 13. Male holotype of Marma linae sp. nov. (MPEG 34356). A–B habitus (A dorsal, B ventral); C–D left palp (C ventral, D retrolateral).";
dc:description"FIGURE 25. Male holotype of Marma pipa sp. nov. (MPEG 34352). A–B habitus (A dorsal, B ventral); C–D left palp (C ventral; D retrolateral).";
dc:description"FIGURE 20. Male holotype of Marma sinuosa sp. nov. (UFMG 13526). A–B habitus (A dorsal, B ventral); C–D left palp (C ventral; D retrolateral).";
dc:description"FIGURE 23. Male of Marma sinuosa sp. nov. A–E left palp (A bulb, ventral; B bulb, dorsal; C dissected embolic disc and em- bolus, dorsal; D tibia and cymbium, retrolateral; E detail of RTA, retrolateral). Abbreviations: e—embolus shaft; ed—embolic disc; PED—process on embolic disc; RTA—retrolateral tibial apophysis; st—subtegulum. White arrows in C show spikes of embolus shaft; black arrow in C shows groove.";
dc:description"FIGURE 53. Male holotype of Marma spelunca sp. nov. (MPEG 34347). A–B habitus (A dorsal, B ventral); C–D left palp (ventral; D retrolateral); D–E type locality, Nova Kararaô cave opening (E view of the entrance; F live specimen, indicated by white arrow, walking on moss present on walls around opening).";
dc:description"FIGURE 56. Male of Marma spelunca sp. nov. A–D left palp (A bulb, dorsal; B detail of fundus and subtegulum, dorsal; C dissected embolic disc and embolus, dorsal; D apical region of cymbium, ventral. Abbreviations: bh—basal hematodocha; cc—cymbial conductor; e—embolus shaft; fnd—fundus; PED—process on embolic disc; st—subtegulum. White arrows in C show spikes of embolus shaft and black arrow shows groove; white arrow in D shows depression of cymbial conductor.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Female of Marma baeri Simon, 1902, specimen from Montañita/Santa Elena/Ecuador. A–D Epigyne/vulva (A epigynal plate, ventral; B right half, dorsal; C detail of right primary spermatheca and fertilization duct, dorsal; D detail of initial portion of right copulatory duct, dorsal). Abbreviations: BG—Bennett’s gland; co—copulatory openings; fd—fertilization duct; PS—primary spermatheca; SS—secondary spermatheca. White arrows in D show glands of the copulatory duct near the copulatory opening.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Marma Simon, 1902. A–E live specimens in different habitats [A M. nigritarsis from Belém/Pará/Brazil, on urban construction (Photo credit: César Favacho); B M. linae sp. nov. from São Geraldo do Araguaia/Pará/Brazil, on tree trunk; C M. rosea from São Geraldo do Araguaia/Pará/Brazil, on a wall of an urban construction; D M. nigritarsis from Belém/Pará/Brazil, on a substrate with moss; E M. wesolowskae sp. nov. from Buíque/Pernambuco/Brazil, on rocks].";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Marma baeri Simon, 1902. Live specimens from Montañita/Santa Elena/Ecuador. A–B male (A dorsal, B lateral); C–D female (C dorsal, D lateral).";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Marma baeri Simon, 1902. Live specimens from Montañita/Santa Elena/Ecuador.A–B male (A frontal, B detail of face); C–D female (C frontal, D detail of face). Black arrow in A shows black tarsus in male front leg.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Female of Marma baeri Simon, 1902.A–F cephalothorax structures (A detail of a white scale and a bristle; B bristle base; C scale base; D carapace, dorsal; E detail of brown and white scales; F detail of scales and bristles around the ALE). Ab- breviations: ALE—anterior lateral eye; AME—anterior median eye; PLE—posterior lateral eye; PME—posterior median eye. Black arrows show black bristles; white arrows show white scales; brown arrow in E shows brown scale.";
dc:description"FIGURE 47. Marma rosea (Mello-Leit„o, 1941), live specimens from S„o Geraldo do Araguaia/Pará/Brazil.A–C male (A dorsal, B lateral, C frontal). D–F female (D dorsal, E lateral, F frontal). Black arrows in B show black tarsus in male front legs.";
dc:description"FIGURE 30. Male holotype of Marma wesolowskae sp. nov. (MPEG 34355). A–B habitus (A dorsal, B ventral); C–D left palp (C ventral; D retrolateral).";
dc:description"FIGURE 34. Marma nigritarsis (Simon, 1900), live specimens from Belém/Pará/Brasil.A–C male (A dorsal, B lateral, C frontal); D–F female (D dorsal, E lateral, F frontal). Black arrow in A shows black tarsus in male front leg.";
dc:description"FIGURE 29. Marma wesolowskae sp. nov. live specimens from Buíque/Pernambuco/Brazil on sandrock. A–C male (A–B dorsolateral, C dorsal); D–F female (D–E dorsolateral, F dorsal).";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Marma linae sp. nov. Live specimens from Belém/Pará/Brazil. A–C male (A dorsal, B lateral, C frontal); D–F female (D dorsal, E lateral, F frontal). Black arrow in B shows black tarsus in male front leg.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Male of Marma baeri Simon, 1902, specimen from Montañita/Santa Elena/Ecuador.A–F spinnerets, ventro-distal (A all spinnerets, B right anterior lateral spinneret, C left anterior lateral spinneret, D right posterior lateral spinneret, E left posterior lateral spinneret, F posterior median spinnerets). G setae around anal tubercle. H epiandric spigots. I detail of right group of epiandric spigots.Abbreviations: ac—aciniform spigot; ALS—anterior lateral spinneret; eps—epiandric spigots; MAP—ma- jor ampullate spigot; mAP—minor ampullate spigot; pi—piriform spigot; PLS—posterior lateral spinneret; PMS—posterior median spinneret; ta—tartipore. Yellow arrows in A and G show white scales.";
dc:description"FIGURE 48. Males of Marma rosea (Mello-Leit„o, 1941). A–D types of Paralophostica centralis [A habitus (Lectotype ♁, MZUSP E.740 C.1334), dorsal; B ventral; C left palp (paralectotype ♁, MZUSP E.740 C.1335), ventral; D retrolateral]; E–G specimen from São Geraldo do Araguaia/Pará/Brasil, MPEG 34360 (E habitus, dorsal; F ventral; G left palp, ventral). White arrows in F show black tarsi on legs I and II.";
dc:description"FIGURE 33. Marma wesolowskae sp. nov. A–I left male palp [A ventral; B apical portion of palp, ventral; C tegular shoulder, ventral; D dissected embolic disc and embolus, dorsal; E patella and tibia, retrolateral; F tip of RTA, retrolateral; G detail of patella and tibia setae (blue rectangle in 33E); H detail of patella setae (red rectangle in 33E); I detail of smooth scale of tibia (yellow arrow in 33E]. J left spermatheca and copulatory duct, ventral. Abbreviations: cd—copulatory duct; e—embolus shaft; PED—process on embolic disc; PS—primary spermatheca; RTA—retrolateral tibial apophysis; SS—secondary spermatheca. Black arrow in C shows depression of tegular shoulder; in D shows groove; white arrows in D show spikes of embolus shaft; in J shows end region of the primary spermatheca (broken fertilization duct).";
dc:description"FIGURE 44. Male of Marma argentina (Mello-Leit„o, 1941), specimen from Cura Brochero/Córdoba/Argentina (MACN-Ar 39650). A–B habitus (A dorsal, B ventral); C–D left palp (C ventral, D retrolateral).";
dc:description"FIGURE 16. Male of Marma linae sp. nov. A–D left palp (A dissected embolic disc, dorsal; B detail of embolus shaft, dorsal; C detail of apical region of cymbium, ventral; D detail of proximal region of cymbium, ventral). Abbreviations: cc—cymbial conductor; e—embolus shaft; PED—process on embolic disc. Black arrow in A shows groove; white arrows in B show spikes of embolus shaft; white arrow in D shows retroventral projection of cymbium.";
dc:description"FIGURE 28. Marma pipa sp. nov. A–D left male palp (A dissected embolic disc and embolus, dorsal; B tibia and cymbium, ventral; C detail of embolus shaft, dorsal; D detail of proximal region of cymbium, ventral). E–F epigyne/vulva (E dorsal; F detail of right secondary spermatheca, dorsal). Abbreviations: cc—cymbial conductor; e—embolus shaft; PED—process on embolic disc; RTA—retrolateral tibial apophysis; SS—secondary spermatheca. Black arrow in A shows groove; white arrow in B shows retroventral projection of cymbium; white arrows in C show spikes of embolus shaft.";
dc:description"FIGURE 52. Male of Marma rosea (Mello-Leit„o, 1941), specimen from S„o Geraldo do Araguaia/Pará/Brazil, structures of left palp (A dissected embolic disc and embolus, dorsal; B detail of embolus base, dorsal; C detail of embolus shaft, dorsal; D tibia, retrolateral; E detail of tip of RTA, retrolateral). Abbreviations: e—embolus shaft; PED—process on embolic disc; RTA—retrolateral tibial apophysis. White arrow in A shows projection of embolus base and black arrow shows groove.";
dc:description"FIGURE 39. Pair of Marma nigritarsis (Simon, 1900), A–D courtship, ventral view (A male approximation; B the male insemi- nating the female; C after the insemination; D detail of partially expanded male palp). Abbreviations: bh—basal hematodocha; dh—distal hematodocha; e—embolus shaft; ed—embolic disc.";
dc:description"FIGURE 38. Male of Marma nigritarsis (Simon, 1900).A–B, D–E Left male palp, expanded (A retrolateral, partially expanded; B totally expanded; D prolateral, partially expanded; E totally expanded); C left bulb, cleared, dorsal. Abbreviations: bh—basal hematodocha; Cy—cymbium; dh—distal hematodocha; e—embolus shaft; ed—embolic disc; fnd—fundus; RTA—retrolateral tibial apophysis; sp—spermophore; st—subtegulum; T—Tegulum; Ti—tibia.";
dc:description"FIGURE 43. Female of Marma nigritarsis (Simon, 1900). A–D Epigyne/vulva (A initial portion of copulatory duct, left side, anterior view; B detail of previous image showing secondary spermatheca). C–D detail of glands on initial portion of copula- tory duct. Abbreviations: cd—copulatory duct; co—copulatory opening; SS—secondary spermatheca. White arrows in C show glands near copulatory opening.";
dc:description"FIGURE 42. Female of Marma nigritarsis (Simon, 1900). A–D Epigyne/vulva (A initial portion of copulatory duct and end of primary spermatheca, left side, dissected, posterior view; B detail of previous image, showing Bennett’s gland, endothecal spikes and pore leading to fertilization duct; C detail of spiky Bennett’s gland; D detail of dissected copulatory duct).Abbrevia- tions: BG—Bennett’s gland; cd—copulatory duct; ets—endothecal spike; fd—fertilization duct.";
dc:description"FIGURE 17. Female of Marma linae sp. nov. A–D epigyne/vulva (A ventral; B dorsal; C detail of secondary spermatheca, left side; D same, right side). Abbreviations: co—copulatory openings; fd—fertilization ducts; PS—primary spermatheca; SSsecondary spermathecae.";
dc:description"FIGURE 19. Female of Marma abaira sp. nov. A–D epigyne/vulva (A dorsal; B right primary spermatheca, dorsal; C left primary spermatheca, dorso-distal; D detail of Bennett’s Gland of left primary spermatheca). Abbreviations: BG—Bennett’s Gland; fd—fertilization duct; PS—primary spermatheca; SS—secondary spermatheca.";