dc:description"FIGURE 2. LM and SEM micrographs of Micropodarke fujianensis n. sp. and M. cf. dubia from the southeastern China Seas. A–C. M. fujianensis n. sp., holotype, XMU-Pol-2021-227. A. LM, dorsal view; B. LM, ventral view; C. SEM, anterior view. D–F. M. cf. dubia, XMU-Pol-2021-062. D. LM, dorsal view; E. LM, ventral view; F. SEM, anterior view. Abbreviations: la, lateral antenna; pa, palp; pha, pharynx; tc, tentacular cirrus; dc, dorsal cirrus; ap, adhesive papilla; vc, ventral cirrus; pp, pharynx papilla; pr, prostomium. Scale bars: A, B, D, E: 200 μm; C, F: 100 μm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Parapodia and chaetae of Micropodarke fujianensis n. sp. and M. cf. dubia from the southeastern China Seas. A–E., M. fujianensis n. sp. A. XMU-POL-2021-227, parapodium, chaetiger 16, posterior view; B. Same specimen, heterogomph falcigers, left, LM, chaetiger 16, right, SEM, anterior chaetiger; C. MBM286065, heterogomph falcigers, middle chaetigers; D. XMU-POL-2021-229, heterogomph falcigers, chaetiger 14; E. Same specimen, neuropodial acicula, chaetiger 14. F–I. M. cf. dubia. F. XMU-Pol-2021-119, parapodium, chaetiger 21, posterior view; G. Same specimen, heterogomph falcigers, chaetiger 21; H. XMU-Pol-2021-062, heterogomph falcigers, LM (left) and SEM (right), chaetiger 13; I. XMU-Pol-2021-069, heterogomph falcigers, middle chaetiger. Yellow arrows point to aciculae, red arrows point to basal teeth of blades. Scale bars: A, F: 100 μm; G–I: 20 μm; B–E: 10 μm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Phylogenetic trees generated by maximum likelihood (ML) analyses based on the partial sequences of five genes. A. COI (597 bp, IQ-tree model: GTR+F+I+G4); B. 16S rRNA (382 bp, IQ-tree model: TIM2+F+R2); C. 18S rRNA (934 bp, raxmlGUI model: GTR+I); D. 28S rRNA (736 bp, IQ-tree model: TIM3+F+I); E. histone H3 (281 bp, IQ-tree model: TNe). Only bootstrap (BS) values ≥ 50 are shown at nodes. Vouchers and their GenBank accession numbers of the specimens used are listed in Table 2. The scale bar indicates the number of substitutions per site.";