dc:description"FIGURE 1. Alboglossiphonia levis n. sp. a) A Dorsal view of a newly fed leech with its normal pigments; b) A fixed specimen (holotype) showing: anterior sucker (as), eyes (e), crop (cr), crop caeca (1 – 7), intestine (int), intestinal caeca (1 – 4), posterior sucker (ps). Note the nuchal constriction (arrows) in (b).";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Alboglossiphonia levis n. sp. a) Dorsal dissection showing digestive system in situ; proboscis (pr), salivary cells (sc), esophagus (es), crop (cr), crop caeca (1 – 7), intestine (int), intestinal caeca (1 – 4), rectum (r), anus (a); b – f) Different ocular patterns, the normal pattern is (b).";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Scanning electron micrographs showing: a) male (mg) and female (fg) gonopores at maturity; b) A newly deposited fertilized egg, note its thin membrane with numerous minute pores (arrowheads) and its terminal delicate cord by which the egg is attached to the parent's venter (arrows); c) A higher magnification of (b) showing the thin membrane of the fertilized egg with some minute pores (arrowheads); d, e) One-week old embryo. Note the attachment organ (arrowheads).";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Alboglossiphonia levis n. sp. Life cycle showing: Brooding parent with different developmental stages of progeny; a) Fertilized eggs newly deposited each of which individually attached to the parent's venter; b) The embryos became elongated and still attached to the parent's venter; c) After 10 days of laying eggs the hatchings (h) attached to the parent's venter by their posterior suckers (arrowheads); d) One-month old young showing: Eyes (e), digestive tract (dt). Note the undulating lateral edges of the brooding parent (arrows) in a, b) to make a respiratory current for the incubated embryos. Scale bar = 1 mm.";