dc:creator"Kobayashi, Shigeki; Johns, Chris A.; Kawahara, Akito Y.";
dc:title"Revision of the Hawaiian endemic leaf-mining moth genus Philodoria Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae): its conservation status, host plants and descriptions of thirteen new species";
dc:description"FIGURE 20. Adults of Philodoria species. A P. urerana (Swezey, 1915) lectotype female, one of two cotypes on the same mount (upper specimen), B Paralectotype (sex unknown, lower specimen on same mount as A), C P. hauicola (Swezey, 1910) lectotype male, D P. keahii sp. n. holotype male, E Wings of holotype, F Left forewing of paratype female. Scale bar 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 50. Valva of Philodoria, inner view. A, C, E–J, L: Left valva, B, D, K, M: Right valva. A, B P. neraudicola, paralectotype, Oahu, SK707, C, D P. obamaorum, paratype, Hawaii (Big Island), SK709, E P. urerana, Oahu, paralectotype, SK671, F P. hauicola, Oahu, SK694, G P. keahii, holotype, Oahu, SK758, H P. touchardiella Maui, SK643, I P. platyphylliella, holotype, Maui, SK833, J, K P. marginestrigata, Oahu, SK662, host: unknown, L Same species, Molokai, SK771, host: Abutilon menziesii, M Same species, Kauai, SK784, host: Sida, fallax.";
dc:description"FIGURE 51. Genital capsule of Philodoria, excluding right portion of male genitalia, ventral view. A P. neraudicola, paralectotype, Oahu, SK707, B P. obamaorum, paratype, Hawaii (Big Island), SK709, C P. urerana, paralectotype, Oahu, SK671, D P. hauicola, Oahu, SK694, E P. keahii, holotype, Oahu, SK758, F P. touchardiella Maui, SK643, G P. platyphylliella, holotype, Maui, SK833, H P. marginestrigata, Oahu, SK662 host: unknown.";
dc:description"FIGURE 52. Phallus of Philodoria, lateral view.A P. neraudicola, paralectotype, Oahu, SK707, B P. obamaorum, paratype, Hawaii (Big Island), SK709, C P. urerana, paralectotype, Oahu, SK671, D P. hauicola, Oahu, SK695, E P. keahii, holotype, Oahu, SK758, F P. touchardiella Maui, SK643, G P. platyphylliella, holotype, Maui, SK833, H P. marginestrigata, Oahu, PHIL0029 host: Abutilon incanum.";
dc:description"FIGURE 59. Female genitalia of Philodoria. A P. neraudicola, paralectotype, Oahu, SK708, host: Neraudia melastomifalia, B Same species, Maui, SK838, host: Pipturus albidus, C P. obamaorum, paratype, Hawaii (Big Island), SK710, host: Pipturus albidus, D Same species, Hawaii (Big Island), SK844 host: Pipturus sp., E P. urerana, paralectotype, SK672, F Philodoria sp. 1, SK835, G Same species, PHIL0021, H P. keahii, paratype, SK756, I P. funkae, holotype, SK761, J P. touchardiella, SK764, K P. keaensis, holotype, Hawaii (Big Island), SK777, L P. hauicola, Oahu, SK618.";
dc:description"FIGURE 91. Philodoria species on leaves of Asteraceae host plants. A–G: P. sciallactis, H, I: P. keahii. Host plants: A–C Melanthera integrifolia, West Oahu, D–F Lipochaeta rockii, East Maui, G Melanthera kamolensis, East Maui, H, I Remya mauiensis, Maui.";
dc:description"FIGURE 69. Habitats and host plants of Philodoria on Maui. A Kauaula, type locality of P. keahii, shown is its host plant Remya mauiensis, B Same as A, flowers, C Nakula Natural Area Reserve, type locality of P. platyphylliella, shown is its host plant Dubautia platyphylla, D Same as C, flowers.";