dc:description"Figure 1. Diagnostic characters of Iberattus semiglabratus documented by color macrophotographs (A-F) and diagnostic drawings (G-M). A - live male, B-C - color pattern of a male, in different stage of fading during preservation, D - color pattern of preserved female, E - palp, F - epigyne, G-I - palp, J - dorsal pattern of preserved male, K - cheliceral dentition, L - frontal view of male, note reduction of clypeus, M-N - dorsal pattern of preserved two females, O - male by Barrientos et al., P-T - epigyne and internal structure of epigyne in two females.";
dc:description"Figure 2. Diagnostic characters of \"Saitis\" imitatus, documented by color photographs (A-J) and diagnostic drawings (K-N), the latter compared also with spermathecae and ducts in relevant genera (O-R). A - palp, B-D - epigyne seen on surface of abdomen and in cleared preparation, in ventral and dorsal views, E-G - color pattern in live male, H-J - color pattern in live female. Diagnostic drawings: K - palp and tibial apophysis, L - changed dorsal pattern in preserved male and female, M-N - epigyne and cleared spermathecae. Cleared epigyne in relevant genera: O - Euophrys frontalis, P - Talavera aequipes, Q - Pseudeuophrys erratica, R - comparison of multi-chamber spermatheca in Habrocestum pullatum.";
dc:description"Figure 5. General appearance and genitalic characters of Australian “Saitis” mutans (Figs 4B, D-E) and “S”. virgatus (Figs 4C, F-G) (note \"bottle-brush\" like leg III), A - map of distribution of 3 Mediterranean “Saitis” and two \"Saitis\" species.";