dc:description"FIGURE 2. Amphitritides carawa sp. nov. Holotype. A, general view of notochaetae from segment 20; rectangular areas and letters refer to figures which show those specific areas in higher magnification; B, closer view of base of limbation, of one chaeta from posterior tier of notochaetae, segment 20; C, closer view of tip of one chaeta from posterior tier of notochaetae, segment 20. Streblosoma bingarra sp. nov. Holotype. D, tips of two chaetae from the anterior tier of notochaetae, segment 6; E, tip of one chaeta from posterior tier of notochaetae, segment 6; F, general view of notochaetae from segment 6. Scale bars: A: 100 Μm; B – C: 20 Μm; D – E: 50 Μm; F: 150 Μm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Streblosoma bingarra sp. nov. Holotype. A, anterior end, right lateral view; B, anterior end, dorsal view; C, anterior end, left lateral view; D, anterior end, ventral view; E, closer view of anterior end, dorsal view; F, closer view of anterior end, right lateral view; G, closer view of the anterior end, ventral view; H, anterior end, right lateral view; buccal tentacles and branchial filaments on segment 2 pulled upwards to expose first notopodium; I, closer view of right lateral of the body with branchial filaments on segment 2 pulled upwards; J, posterior notochaetigerous parapodia. Arrows point to nephridial papillae; numbers refer to segments; ll = lower lip; P = prostomium; ul = upper lip. Scale bars: A – D: 2 mm; E – I: 1 mm; J: 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Streblosoma bingarra sp. nov. Holotype. A, uncini, segment 14; B, uncini, segment 6; C, closer view of one uncinus from segment 6; D, closer view of three uncini from segment 14. Scale bars: A – B: 30 Μm; C – D: 20 Μm.";