dc:description"FIGURE 3 a – m. Parapsyche sp. A. Larva — a. Head, dorsal (with secondary setae on dorsum of head further enlarged); b. head, ventral (with secondary setae on ventrolateral head further enlarged); c. head, left lateral (setae and color patterns on frontoclypeus not shown); d. pro-, meso-, and metanota, dorsal (with secondary setae on dorsum of mesonotum further enlarged); e. pro-, meso-, and metanota, left, lateral; f. prosternal plate, ventral; g. left foretrochantin, left lateral; h. ventral plates on abdominal sterna VIII and IX; i. abdominal hairs on tergum of segment II (hl: hair-like setae; ch: club-hairs); j. lateral (pleural) gills on left side of abdominal segment V, left lateral; k. ventral gills on right side of abdominal segments I and II, anterior aspect with ventral side facing upward; l. ventral gills on right side of abdominal segment III, anterior aspect with ventral side facing upward; m. ventral gills on right side of abdominal segments VII and VIII, ventral aspect with caudal orientation placed upward.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2 a – l. Arctopsyche shimianensis. Larva— a. Head, dorsal; b. head, ventral; c. head, left lateral; d. pro-, meso-, and metanota, dorsal; e. pro-, meso-, and metanota, left lateral (with setae on anterolateral corners of pro- and mesonotum further enlarged: hl: hair-like setae; ch: club-hairs; pl: peg-like setae); f. prosternal plate, ventral; g. base of left fore leg, showing lateral view of prosternal plate and position of foretrochantin, left lateral (with left foretrochantin further enlarged); h. ventral plates on sterna VIII and IX, ventral; i. abdominal hairs on tergum of segment II (hl: hair-like setae; ch: club-hairs); j. ventral gill on right side of mesosternum, anterior aspect with ventral side facing upward; k. ventral and lateral gills on right side of abdominal segment II, anterior aspect with ventral side facing upward; l. lateral (pleural) gills on left side of abdominal segment V, left lateral.";