dc:description"FIG. 1. Bayesian consensus topology based on the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and the cytochrome b (Cyt-b) gene. Tadarida brasiliensis and T. teniotis were designated as outgroup taxa. See Appendix I for a complete list of GenBank numbers.";
dc:description"FIG. 2. Rhinaria in front view (from left to right) of genus nov., sp. nov. (ZFMK-MAM-2009.0029), Hypsugo savii (ZFMK- MAM-1983.0072), Neoromicia zuluensis (ZFMK-MAM-1997.0562), and Pipistrellus pipistrellus (ZFMK-MAM-1995.0140).";
dc:description"FIG. 6. First two upper incisors in lateral view; tip of the second incisor marked by a bar. Genus nov. (a, sp. nov.; b, eisentrauti; c, bellieri); Hypsugo (d, savii; e, caucasicus; f, pulveratus); Neoromicia (g, zuluensis; h, somalica; j, nana); Pipistellus (k, pipistrellus; l, nanulus; m, cf. grandidieri). Left column shows the type species of the respective genera. The arrows show a hook-like structure";
dc:description"FIG. 4. Crania in dorsal view of four genera of vespertilionid bats. From left to right: genus nov., sp. nov. (ZFMK-MAM-2009.0029), H. savii (ZFMK-MAM-1934.0116), N. zuluensis (ZFMK-MAM-1977.0451), P. pipistrellus (ZFMK-MAM-1977.0204). Not to scale;";
dc:description"FIG. 3. Terminal part of penes (a, dorsal view) and bacula (b, X-rays) of (left) genus nov., sp. nov. (ZFMK-MAM-2009.0029), (middle) genus nov. eisentrauti (ZFMK-MAM-1999.0676), and (right) genus nov. bellieri (ZFMK-MAM-2009.0030). Scale";
dc:description"FIG. 7. Lower left (left three images) and upper left (right three images) toothrows of (a) P. happoldorum gen nov., sp. nov. (holotype), (b) P. eisentrauti (ZFMK-MAM-1968.0005), and (c) P. bellieri (ZFMK-MAM-2008.0299 and 2009.0030).";