dc:description"FIGURES 250–259. Thraulodes quevedoensis. 250–255, larval exuviae at the same magnification: 250–251, parts of head with labrum and mandibles; 252, right half of pronotum and mesonotum; 253–254, fore and hind legs; 255, abdominal terga; 256, anterior side of hind femur; 257, anterior side of fore tibia; 258, hind tibia with focus on outer-posterior row of stout setae; 259, the same with focus on outer-anterior and inner-anterior rows of stout setae.";
dc:description"FIGURES 208–231. Thraulodes marreroi. 208, margin of labrum with focus on posterior transverse setal row; 209, the same with focus on anterior transverse setal row (represented by field of irregularly situated setae) (arrows show four sensilla separating three denticles). 210–215 and 216–219, larval exuviae of two different specimens at the same magnification; 220–226, tergalii I–VII; 227, immature larva (with ocher and whitish cuticular coloration and blackish paired hypodermal markings on abdomen); 228, anterior side of hind femur; 229, anterior side of fore tibia; 230, hind tibia with focus on outer-posterior row of stout setae; 231, the same with focus on outer-anterior and inner-anterior rows of stout setae.";
dc:description"FIGURES 86–93. Thraulodes telegraphicus. 86, median longitudinal section of labrum in usual condition; 87, the same, in spread condition; 88, labrum in spread condition in dorsal view (setal rows shown as dotted lines); 89, transverse section of hind tibia; 90–93, tergalii I, III, VI and VII. Abbreviations: anter.r, anterior transverse row of setae; dent., five denticles separated by six sensilla; poster.r, posterior transverse row of setae; i.f, inner field of stout pointed setae; i-a.h, inner-anterior recurved hairs; i-a.r, inner-anterior row of stout setae; o-a.r, outer-anterior row of stout setae; o.h, outer hairs; o-p.r, outer-posterior row of stout setae; p.r, row of posterior pointed pectinate setae.";
dc:description"FIGURES 267–273. Thraulodes quevedoensis. 267, genitalia of male imago in lateral view; 268, styliger and penis in ventral view; 269, genitalia of another specimen in ventral view; 270, the same, apex of penis in dorsal view; 271, larval protogonostyli and protopenis; 272, hind wing; 273, larval claw of middle leg.";
dc:description"FIGURES 260–266. Thraulodes quevedoensis. 260–261, genitalia of male imago with focus on penis and on styliger; 262, right half of subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum; 263–264, male imago in ventral and lateral view; 265, abdominal terga and sterna of male imago; 266, apex of fore wing.";
dc:description"FIGURES 464–473. Thraulodes nigrabdominalis sp. n. (holotype). 464, left half of subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum; 465, 466, male imago; 467–469, fore, middle and hind legs of male imago; 470, subimaginal exuviae of fore leg; 471, genitalia of male imago; 472, apex of penis; 473, subimaginal exuviae of tarsus.";
dc:description"FIGURES 133–142. Thraulodes panamensis sp. n. 133, pterostigma; 134–136, male imago in lateral in ventral and dorsal view; 137–138, left half of subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum of two different specimens; 139, female imago; 140–141, genitalia in lateral and ventral view; 142, costal margin of fore wing (arrows show proximal costal cross veins) (133, 134, 136, 137, 141, 142, holotype).";