dc:description"FIGURES 18–26. Stereomicroscope photographs of the dorsal habitus of Afrotropical Micaria species: 18 M. durbana sp. nov. female and 19 male; 20 M. felix sp. nov. male; 21 M. gagnoa sp. nov. female and 22 male; 23 M. koingnaas sp. nov. male; 24 M. lata sp. nov. female; 25 M. laxa sp. nov. male; 26 M. mediospina sp. nov. male. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 37–42. Scanning electron microscope images of Micaria carapace features: 37 M. beaufortia (Tucker, 1923) male, squamose setae on carapace; 38 M. felix sp. nov. male, squamose setae on carapace; 39 same, female carapace; 40 M. beaufortia female, anterior view of eye region; 41 M. beaufortia male, dorsal view of eye region; 42 M. felix sp. nov. female, dorsal view of eye region. Abbreviation: SqS—squamose setae.";
dc:description"FIGURES 43–48. Scanning electron microscope images of cheliceral and endite features: 43 M. beaufortia (Tucker, 1923) female, anterior view of chelicerae; 44 M. felix sp. nov. female, ventral view of chelicerae; 45 same, detail of plumose setae on chelicerae; 46 cheliceral teeth of M. beaufortia male; 47 mouthparts of female M. felix sp. nov.; 48 serrula of male M. beaufortia. Abbreviations: En—endite, PlS—plumose setae, Pt—promarginal teeth, Rt—retromarginal tooth, Se—serrula.";
dc:description"FIGURES 49–54. Scanning electron microscope images of Micaria sternum and leg features: 49 sternum of male M. felix sp. nov.; 50 sternum of female M. beaufortia (Tucker, 1923); 51 squamose setae on male M. beaufortia sternum; 52 squamose setae on female M. beaufortia sternum; 53 tarsal organ on distal dorsal surface of tarsus I of male M. felix sp. nov.; 54 slit sensilla on distal ventral surface of metatarsus I of female M. fulgens (Walckenaer, 1802). Abbreviations: AS—aculeate setae, SS—slit sensilla, SqS—squamose setae, TO—tarsal organ.";
dc:description"FIGURES 86–91. Scanning electron microscope images of leg setae of Micaria: 86 scopulate chemosensory setae on tarsus I of female M. felix sp. nov.; 87 trichobothrium on dorsal metatarsus I of female M. felix sp. nov.; 88 aculeate seta on femur I of male M. beaufortia (Tucker, 1923); 89 scopulate setae on metatarsus I of female M. fulgens (Walckenaer, 1802); 90 scopulate seta on tibia I of female M. beaufortia; 91 claw tuft setae on tarsus I of female M. beaufortia. Abbreviations:AS—aculeate setae, Ch—chemosensory setae, CTS—claw tuft setae, ScS—scopulate setae, Tri—trichobothrium.";
dc:description"FIGURES 92–95. Scanning electron microscope images of the abdominal setae of Micaria: 92 dorsal abdomen of female M. felix sp. nov.; 93 squamose setae on posterior half of dorsal abdomen of female M. felix sp. nov.; 94 sicate setae on anterior half of dorsal abdomen of male M. scutellata sp. nov.; 95 elongate squamose setae on anterior half of dorsal abdomen of female M. felix sp. nov. Abbreviations: SiS—siccate setae, SqS—squamose setae.";
dc:description"FIGURES 96–101. Scanning electron microscope images of the spinnerets of Micaria: 96 ALS of male M. beaufortia (Tucker, 1923); 97 ALS of female M. felix sp. nov.; 98 PMS of male M. felix sp. nov.; 99 PMS of female M. beaufortia; 100 PLS of female M. beaufortia; 101 PLS of male M. felix sp. nov. Abbreviations: Cy—cylindrical gland spigot, MaAm—major ampullate gland spigot, MiAm—minor ampullate gland spigot, Pi—piriform gland spigot, Tar—tartipore.";
dc:description"FIGURES 102–108. Scanning electron microscope images of the genital structure of Micaria: 102 epigyne of M. felix sp. nov., ventral view; 103 epigyne of M. beaufortia (Tucker, 1923), posteroventral view; 104 left palp of male M. felix sp. nov., ventral view; 105 same, detail of distal end of tegulum; 106 palpal tibia of male M. felix sp. nov., retrolateral view; 107 RTA of male M. beaufortia, retrolateral view; 108 cymbial tip of male M. scutellata sp. nov., ventral view.Abbreviations:Ah—anterior hood, Co—copulatory opening, CyS—cymbial spine, Em—embolus, MA—median apophysis, Mp—mating plug, Pp—posterior pockets, RTA—retrolateral tibial apophysis, Vts—ventral terminal spine.";
dc:description"FIGURES 169–172. Habitus photographs of Micaria quinquemaculosa sp. nov. (169), M. tersissima Simon, 1910 (170) and M. felix sp. nov. (171, 172). Photographs by: Ruan Booysen (169, 170), Ondřej Michálek (171) and Christian Bro (172).";