dc:title"Untying the Gordian Knot: on Tanais novaezealandiae Thomson (Crustacea, Tanaidacea, Tanaidae) from New Zealand, with descriptions of two new Zeuxoides species";
dc:description"FIGURE 13 Zeuxoides rimuwhero n. sp. Holotype preparatory Ψ (3.22 mm; Pukerua Bay, Stn GJB / 1 - 07; NMNZ Cr. 012181): A, dorsal view, typical pigmentation shown; B, pleon and pleotelson; C, uropod. Allotype ♂ (2.51 mm; Pukerua Bay, Stn GJB / 1 - 07; NMNZ Cr. 012179): D, dorsal view, pigmentation not shown. Scale bar = 1 mm for A and D, 0.4 mm for B, 0.3 mm for C.";
dc:description"FIGURE 15 Zeuxoides rimuwhero n. sp. Paratype preparatory Ψ (Pukerua Bay): A, labrum; B – C right and left mandibles respectively, with detail of lacinia mobilis and setal row; D, labium; E, maxillule; F, maxilliped (palps omitted); G, maxilliped palp; H, endite, inner face. I, epignath. Scale bar = 0.5 mm for F, 0.25 mm for A – E, G – I.";
dc:description"FIGURE 16 Zeuxoides rimuwhero n. sp. Paratype preparatory Ψ (Pukerua Bay): A, cheliped; B, inner view of cheliped fixed finger; C, pereopod- 1; D, pereopod- 1 coxal spur. Neuter (2.5 mm): E, pereopod- 1 coxal spur. Paratype ♂ (3.05 mm; Pukerua Bay )): F, cheliped; G, pereopod- 1 coxal spur. Scale bar = 0.25 mm for A – C and F; 0.125 mm for D, E and G.";
dc:description"FIGURE 17 Zeuxoides rimuwhero n. sp. Paratype preparatory Ψ (Pukerua Bay): A, pereopod- 2; B, same, inner carpal setation; C, pereopod- 3; D – E, same, inner carpal setation and dactylus / unguis; F, pereopod- 4; G – H, same, inner carpal setation and claw; I, pereopod- 5; J, same, inner carpal setation; K, pereopod- 6; L – M, same, inner carpal setation and claw. Scale bar = 0.25 mm for A – G, I – L, 0.16 mm for H and M.";