dc:description"Fig. 13. Fish otoliths from the US middle and upper Eocene. A–C. “Conger” websteri (Frost, 1933), Piney Point F., Pamunkey River, 1 km E of Eanes property, Virginia (IRSNB P 10014–10016). D. “Osteoglossum” aff. rhomboidalis (Stinton, 1977), “Stone City beds”, Stone City Bluff, Brazos River, sample 2 from bed P, Texas (P 10017). E–F. Neoopisthopterus weltoni sp. nov. E. Landrum M., Crockett, Texas, holotype (IRSNB P 10018). F. “Stone City beds”, Stone City Bluff, Brazos River, bed I, Texas, paratype (IRSNB P 10019). G. Sardinops sp., Landrum M., Crockett, Texas (IRSNB P 10020). H. Clupeidae indet., Landrum M., Crockett, Texas (IRSNB P 10021). I–J. Plotosus sp., Wheelock M., Little Brazos River, confluence with Brazos River, Texas (P 10022–10023). 1 = ventral view; 2 = inner view; 3 = anterior view. Scale bars = 1 mm.";