dc:description"Text-fig. 4. Upper cheek teeth of Prolistriodon smyrnensis gen. et sp. nov. from Sabuncubeli. a: EUNHM PV 3300.q, right P2/ (a1 – lingual, a2 – stereo occlusal, a3 – buccal views); b: EUNHM PV 3300.h, right D4/, stereo occlusal view; c: EUNHM PV 3300.i, left M1/, stereo occlusal view; d: EUNHM PV 3300.k, right M2/, stereo occlusal view; e: EUNHM PV 3300.j, right M2/, stereo occlusal view. Arrow 1 shows the strongly developed pre- and postcrista of the P2/, arrow 2 shows the lingual prehypocrista in the upper molars, arrow 3 shows the buccal cingulum in the upper molars, arrow 4 shows the rectilinear median transverse valley.";
dc:description"Text-fig. 5. Lower incisors and female canine of Prolistriodon smyrnensis gen. et sp. nov. from Sabuncubeli, Turkey. a: EUNHM PV 3300.n, left i/3, stereo lingual view; b: EUNHM PV 3300.l, right i/2, stereo lingual view; c: EUNHM PV 3300.m, right i/2, stereo lingual view; d: EUNHMPV 3300.v, right female canine (d1 – stereo lingual, d2 – stereo labial views). The arrows show the distal scoop-like depression in the tall-crowned i/2, note the low-crowned i/3.";
dc:description"Text-fig. 6. Lower cheek teeth of Prolistriodon smyrnensis gen. et sp. nov. from the early Miocene of Sabuncubeli, Turkey. a: EUNHM PV 3300.o, right p/2 (a1 – buccal, a2 – stereo occlusal, a3 – lingual views); b: EUNHM PV 3300.p, right p/3 (b1 – lingual, b2 – stereo occlusal, b3 – buccal views); c: EUNHM PV 3300.c, left d/4–m/1, stereo occlusal view; d: EUNHM PV 3300.e, right m/2, stereo occlusal view; e: EUNHM PV 3300.d, right m/1, stereo occlusal view; f: EUNHM PV 3300.f, right mandible fragment with m/2 (f1 – lingual, f2 – stereo occlusal, f3 – buccal views); g: EUNHM PV 3300.g, right m/3, stereo occlusal view. Arrow 1 shows the strongly developed postcristid of the p/2, arrow 2 shows the buccal cingulum in the lower molars, arrow 3 shows the median transverse valley blocked by a large median accessory cusplet, note the bifid hypoconulid in the m/3.";