dc:description"Fig. 3. Chromosome localization of rDNA and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) in Veronica. Mitotic chromosome complements of: A, V. porphyriana; B, V. ×schmakovii; C, V. spicata; D, V. pinnata; E, V. longifolia; and F, V. incana hybridized with 35S (red fluorescence) and 5S (purple) rDNA probes. G, Mitotic chromosomes of V. ×schmakovii hybridized with gDNA of V. longifolia (red) and V. porphyriana (green). — Chromosomes were counterstained with DAPI. Scale bars, 10 μm.";
dc:description"Fig. 1. A, Genetic composition based on K = 5 of first-level STRUCTURE results and number of individuals included from that particular locality. Genetic composition of the localities with more than one individual has been averaged. Key to the colors is given in a separate inset. B–D, Probability of ancestry of each individual (horizontal axis; total 233 individuals) to each of K = 4, 5, 6 populations (vertical axis). The five populations correspond mostly to the morphotypes hypothesized for species and putative hybrids. V. ×alt, V. ×altaica; V. ×gri, V. ×grisea; V. ×kol, V. ×kolyvanensis; V. ×sap, V. ×sapozhnikovii; V. ×sch, V. ×schmakovii; V. ×ses, V. ×sessiliflora; V. ×smi, V. ×smirnovii; V. are, V. arenosa; V. inca, V. incana; V. lon, V. longifolia; V. pinn, V. pinnata; V. porp, V. porphyriana; V. reve, V. reverdattoi; V. saj, V. sajanensis; V. spic, V. spicata; V. spur, V. spuria; V. ×taig, V. ×taigischensis; uniden, unidentified.";
dc:description"Fig. 2. Assignments of individuals to K clusters/populations based on Bayesian, multivariate and likelihood approaches as implemented in STRUC- TURE, DAPC (in the adegenet package) and IQ-TREE programs respectively. A, Maximum likelihood unrooted tree reconstructed in IQ-TREE, calibrated with 1000 ultrafast bootstrap replicates. The numbers near the nodes represent bootstrap confidence. This analysis was based on 174 putative pure individuals. B, Probability of ancestry of each individual (horizontal axis; total 174 individuals) to each of K = 5 populations (vertical axis). The five populations correspond mostly to the morphotypes hypothesized for putative pure species. C, Discriminant analysis of principal components using the same dataset as in (B). D, Corresponding morphotypes of K = 5. — Photos: P.A. Kosachev.";
dc:description"Fig. 4. STRUCTURE results showing the probability of ancestry of each individual (horizontal axis) to each of K = 2 populations (vertical axis) in all the five scenarios. A, Veronica spicata × V. pinnata; B, V. incana and V. longifolia; C, V. longifolia and V. porphyriana; D & E, V. pinnata and V. porphyriana involving putative hybrids of V. ×schmakovii and V. ×sessiliflora. Details of the exact posterior probabilities of each putative hybrid individual and their corresponding parents are given in suppl. Table S3.";
dc:description"Fig. 5. Results of the G-PhoCS analysis for effective population sizes, and gene flow using only pure individuals (no admixture). The inferred current effective population size (Ne) of each species are given for all the five species. The direction of the arrows represents the probability of migration among the species both in forward and reverse directions. The width of the bars represents the effective population size of each species. For population size estimation, we used the equations Ne (effective population size) = θ / 4μg; and T (divergence time) = τ · g / μ; where substitution rate/site/year (μ) = 2.44E-9, generation time for population (g) = 10 years. Migration rates are based on per generation parameter (Msx = msx · θx / 4), which is the proportion of individuals in population x arrived by migration from another population per generation. Gene flow has been calculated using the total migration rate, cases where the total rate is low, it approximates the probability of gene flow between the two species. However, for higher rates, we adjusted probabilities into rates with the equation P = 1 − e−m (where P = the probability of gene flow, e = exponent, and m = total migration rate; following vonHoldt & al., 2016). The phylogenetic tree on which the G-PhoCS analysis has been based is given in suppl. Fig. S2. For complete details, see in Materials and Methods as well as suppl. Tables S4 and S5 for migration rates (msx), τ and θ values, and divergence times.";