dc:description"Figure 1. ‘Rocky Knob tubes’, Middle Miocene, New Zealand. A, RK-5, larger tube fragments in hand specimen. B, RNT-1, smaller, parallel-aligned tubes, with one tube exhibiting fine longitudinal wrinkles on its surface (white arrow). C, 12-RK, detail of smooth tube wall. D, RNT-1, tube exhibiting round concretions on its surface. E, RK-15B-6B, tube in transverse section showing preserved torn fibres. F, RK-15B-6B, tube with irregular cross section suggesting it may originally have been flexible. G, RK-15B-6A, detail of join between three tubes with thick, multi-layered walls in transverse section; imaged using confocal laser scanning microscopy (see online for colour version). H, detail of tube transverse section showing delamination of its thick, multi-layered tube wall. Scale bars: A = 20 mm; B = 5 mm; C = 2 mm; D, F = 1 mm; E = 100 µm; G, H = 200 µm.";
dc:description"Figure 22. Strict consensus cladogram of the three most parsimonious trees of tubes built by a total of 43 modern annelid taxa (best score = 14.344, consistency index = 0.308, retention index = 0.629). The analysis was based on the 48 mostly morphological tube characters and was performed using implied character weighting (k = 3). Numbers on nodes represent groups present/contradicted support values. Symbols/colours indicate taxonomic affinities.";
dc:description"Figure 24. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy spectra of the organic tubes of vent and seep annelids. Spectra are offset on the absorbance axis, and key spectral absorbance peaks are labelled with the types of chemical bonds they represent: -NH, nitrogenhydrogen; -CH, carbon-hydrogen; -OH, oxygen-hydrogen. The regions of the tube analysed are as follows: Tevnia jerichonana (anterior, inner tube wall); Zenkevitchiana longissimi (middle, outer tube wall); Lamellibrachia anaximandri (posterior, outer tube wall); Sclerolinum contortum (anterior, outer tube wall); Alvinella sp. (middle); Spiochaetopterus izuensis (middle, outer tube wall).";