dc:description"Figure 10. Tubes from the Turonian of Cyprus. A–C, ‘Troodos collared tubes’; A, B, Kambia 4061 and Memi 212b2, respectively, sinuous worm tubes with collars; C, Kambia 401b, worm tube with collar attached at an oblique angle. D, E, ‘Troodos wrinkled tubes’, Kapedhes 2101 and 204b, respectively, worm tubes bearing longitudinal and transverse wrinkles. F, G, ‘Troodos attached tubes’, Memi 2021 and Kinousa 2023, respectively, sinuous tubes that appear attached to a surface, tubes in F bearing fine parallel transverse wrinkles. Scale bars: A–D, F, G = 1 mm; E = 0. 5 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 15. A–F, H, I, ‘Figueroa tubes’, Pliensbachian, California, USA; A–C, tubes in hand specimen; A, FFC-12, straight, tapering tube with fine longitudinal wrinkles; B, FFC-00-21, tube fragment bearing longitudinal wrinkles and collars; C, FFC-18B, tube with longitudinal wrinkles and a fine, obliquely positioned collar; D, FFC-18, longitudinal section of tube exhibiting long, flaring collars; E, FFC-12, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image showing details of tube wall ornamentation; F, FFC-12, greater detail of same tube; H, FFC-19, detail of tube transverse section showing preservation of tube walls; I, FFC-19, detail of tube wall in transverse section. G, Ridgeia piscesae (Siboglinidae) tube, JdF317, showing detail of the ornamentation. Scale bars: A, C = 2 mm; B, D, G, H = 1 mm; E = 500 µm; F = 100 µm; I = 300 µm.";