dc:creator"Montoya, Augusto León; Parada-Marín, Henry Mauricio; Ramos-Pastrana, Yardany";
dc:title"Description of a new flower fly species of the Copestylum vagum group (Diptera Syrphidae) from pristine Amazonian rainforests of Colombia and Suriname";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Copestylum enriquei sp. nov., male, holotype (LEUA–00000035890): A. Head, frontal view; B. Habitus, dorsal view; C. Thorax, dorsal view, detail of maculae and pile patterns on scutum; D. Lateral view, E. Latero-posterior view, detail of male genitalia.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. A. Habitat of Copestylum enriquei sp. nov. in a pristine forest at Florencia, Caquetá in Colombia. The specimens were collected using a canopy Malaise trap (Rafael & Gorayeb 1982); B. Geographical distribution map showing the collection localities of Copestylum enriquei sp. nov. in the Amazon rainforest of Colombia and Suriname (Red triangle).";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Copestylum enriquei sp. nov., male, holotype (LEUA–00000035890). A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Abdomen, ventral view; C. Whole genitalia including epandrium, cercus, and surstylus, lateral view, detail of the dorsal extension of the epandrium (white arrow); D. Epandrium, dorsal view, detail of the dorsal extension (white arrow); E. Hypandrium, ventral view. Abbreviations used in male genitalia structures are as follows: Ah = Aedeagal hood; Cer = Cercus; Epd = Epandrium; Hyp = Hypandrium; Sa= Surstylar apodeme; Sl= Superior lobe; Sur = Surstyle.";