dc:description"FIGURE 2. Manayunkia caspica Annenkova, 1929, SEM micrographs. A. Total view of a complete specimen, ventro-lateral view. B. Anterior end, ventral view. C. Anterior end, dorsal view. D. Outside of a flexible tube consisting of finest sediment particles and mucus. E.Anterior end up to chaetiger 3, ventral view. F. Brood chamber on chaetigers 6 and 7. G. Posterior margin of the brood chamber on segment 7. H. Isolated egg from a female tube. I. Posterior end with last thoracic chaetiger (=chaetiger 8) and first abdominal chaetiger (=chaetiger 9), lateral view. Scale bars. A, F, G, I 200 µm, B, C, H 50 µm, D, E 100 µm (abbr: apr anterior peristomial ring, ch1,8,9 chaetiger 1,8,9, fg faecal groove, ppr posterior peristomial ring, vvfa unbranched ventral vascularized filamentous appendages).";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Manayunkia caspica Annenkova, 1929, semithin sections (1 µm) through radiolar crown. A. Branches of radioles and ventral vascularized filamentous appendages, all separated. B. Branches of ventral and median radioles start to fuse (110 µm basal of section A). C. Fusion of branches of ventral and median radioles continues, dorsal radioles still separated; dorsal lips visible (30 µm basal of section B; note: dorsal radiole of the right and left half of the radiolar crown lettered). D. Ventral and median radioles fused, dorsal radioles and dorsal lips separated (12 µm basal of section C). E. Radioles fused, and connected to ventral vascularized filamentous appendage by dorsal lips, except left dorsal radiole (10 µm basal of section D). F. Radioles completely fused, ventral anterior peristomial ring lobe visible (30 µm basal of section E). Scale bars A–F 100 µm (abbr: dl dorsal lips, dr dorsal radiole, mr median radiole, v aprl ventral anterior peristomial ring lobe, vr ventral radiole, vvfa ventral vascularized filamentous appendages).";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Manayunkia caspica Annenkova, 1929, semithin sections (1 µm) through base of radiolar crown. A. Base of radiolar crown, branchial heart dorsally. B. Cross-section through the peristomial region lobe with cerebral ganglion and peristomial eyes (28 µm basal of section A). Scale bars A, B 100 µm (abbr: aprl anterior peristomial ring lobe, bh branchial heart, cg cerebral ganglion, fg faecal groove, np nephropore, oe oesophagus, pe peristomial eye, vvfa ventral vascularized filamentous appendages).";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Manayunkia caspica Annenkova, 1929, SEM micrographs. A. Notopodium of chaetiger 3 with long narrowly hooded and pseudospatulate chaetae. B. Long narrowly hooded chaetae of chaetiger 3. C. Pseudo-spatulate chaetae of chaetiger 3. D–F. Thoracic uncini, different views. G–H. Transitional uncini of posterior thoracic neuropodia. I. Abdominal narrowly hooded chaetae. K. Abdominal uncini of chaetiger 9. Scale bars. A, B, I 10 µm, C–H, K 5 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Manayunkia danubialis Băcescu, 1944 n. comb., SEM micrographs. A. Notopodium of chaetiger 1 with short and long, narrowly hooded chaetae. B. Notopodium of chaetiger 2 with pseudo-spatulate and long narrowly hooded chaetae. C. Pseudo-spatulate chaetae of chaetiger 3. D. Inferior thoracic notochaetae of chaetiger 7. E. Abdominal neurochaetae of chaetiger 9. F. Thoracic uncini of chaetiger 2. G. Thoracic neuropodium of chaetiger 3; note the slightly offset arrangement of uncini. H. Transitional uncini of chaetiger 8. I. Abdominal uncini of chaetiger 9. Scale bars. A, B 20 µm, C–E, I 5 µm, F, H 2 µm, G 10 µm.";