dc:title"New species in old mountains: integrative taxonomy reveals ten new species and extensive short-range endemism in Nesticus spiders (Araneae, Nesticidae) from the southern Appalachian Mountains";
dc:description"Figure 53. A distribution of Nesticus reclusus group species B distribution of Nesticus jonesi. Type localities designated with yellow circles. State boundaries and major cities shown for geographic context. Dashed lines circumscribe known species distributions. The geographic distribution of \" N. cooperi - like \" populations is circled; this includes some female-only locations which are inside this distribution and included here only for purposes of graphical convenience.";
dc:description"Figure 3. UCE concatenated maximum likelihood tree. Distant outgroups removed (for graphical purposes), specimen numbers correspond to those in Suppl. material 3 (with detailed location provided in Suppl. material 1). Node numbers correspond to bootstrap (bold text) / gCF / sCF. Only bootstrap values below 100 shown, all others 100. gCF and sCF values rounded to nearest integer; sCF values below 38 highlighted with red text.";
dc:description"Figure 4. UCE ASTRAL species tree. Distant outgroups removed (for graphical purposes), specimen numbers correspond to those in Suppl. material 3 (with detailed location provided in Suppl. material 1). Included are quartet support values (rounded to nearest integer), and local posterior probability values (if less than 1.0, red text). Branch lengths in coalescent units for internal branches only, terminal branch lengths arbitrary. Internal branch to Nesticus cressleri truncated for graphical purposes.";