dc:description"FIGURE 1. Scanning electron micrographs of Craspedomerus giganteus Li & Zhou sp. n. A, underside of head, showing gula (arrows), ventral view; B, left mandible, showing dorsolateral groove and two large teeth (arrows); C, basal three segments of antennae; D, male protarsus, dorsal view; E, maxillary palpus; F, labial palpi; G, pronotal hypomeron, showing “ fake ” lateral line (arrow); H, prosternum, ventral view; I, mesoventrite, without transverse ridge, ventral view; J, sternite III, showing basal line (arrow), ventral view; K, metaventrite, ventral view; L, osmeterium, dorsal view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Scanning electron micrographs of Craspedomerus giganteus Li & Zhou sp. n. A, right mandible, showing one large tooth (arrow); B, mesopretarsus, empodial setae absent, ventral view; C, penultimate segment of labial palpus, showing macrosetae arranged at base; D, labium with round ligula, ventral view; E, mentum, ventral view; F, paramere of aedeagus; G, ctenidium on protibia, consisting of one row of stout setae (arrows); H, tergites III – IV, showing two basal lines (arrows), dorsal view; I, mesoscutellum, showing two transverse carinae (arrows), dorsal view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Scanning electron micrographs of the underside of one of the branches of the paramere of Craspedomerus. A, C. sinetuber (Coiffait); B, C. glenoides (Schubert); C, C. beckeri Bernhauer; D, C. violaceipennis Cameron; E, C. zhangi Li & Zhou sp. n.; F, C. giganteus Li & Zhou sp. n.; G, C. ganeshensis Coiffait; H, C. gongshanus Li & Zhou sp. n.; I, C. cyanipennis Scheerpeltz. Sensory peg setae are indicated with arrows.";