dc:creator"Lobban, Christopher S.; Ashworth, Matt P.; Camacho, Terance; Lam, Daryl W.; Theriot, Edward C.";
dc:title"Revision of Ardissoneaceae (Bacillariophyta, Mediophyceae) from Micronesian populations, with descriptions of two new genera, Ardissoneopsis and Grunowago, and new species in Ardissonea, Synedrosphenia and Climacosphenia";
dc:description"Figure 3. Ardissonea crystallina A, B external and internal views of valve poles from, respectively Majuro (M 1) and Guam (GU 44 J- 4), showing pseudoseptum (B arrow) C internal SEM view (60 ° tilt) of broken valve showing internal costae including longitudinal costa subtending the annulus (arrowhead) and continuous rim on valve (arrow) (Chuuk: TK 4) D, E pole of frustule in girdle view and tilted to 45 ° to confirm identity; showing the asymmetrical gaps between the pseudoseptum and valvocopula (arrows) (GU 75 A- 4) F, G polar portions of valvocopulae from advalvar side and abvalvar sides, respectively, arrow on F showing where pores along edge of pars interior move to the back of the gap, arrowhead on G showing that slits do not form an open comb (Chuuk: TK 4) H polar view of pole with valvocopula showing the asymmetrical gaps (TK 4) I, J poles of copulae from wild material (TK 4) and culture (GU 44 AV- 8), respectively, arrows indicating fused bases of fimbriae away from the pole. Scale bars: 10 µm (D, E, I); 5 µm (A-C, F-H, J).";