dc:description"FIGURE 2. Corvospongilla siamensis. A, Holotype MSNG 56533 from the Pong River (Lower Mekong Basin, Thailand). B, Detail of a chimney-like lobe with apical oscule and conulose surface. C, Spicular complement. Strongyle and micropseudobirotule from the skeletal network, and strongyle from the gemmular theca.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Corvospongilla siamensis. Holotype MSNG 56533 from the Pong River (Lower Mekong Basin, Thailand). Micrographs (SEM) of the spicular complement. A, Skeletal alveolate network with ascending plurispicular tracts (arrows) to support conules at the surface (lateral view); B, Detail of alveolate skeleton of strongyles and micropseudobirotules (inset); C, Skeletal megascleres, as strongyle with microspined surface (inset, right), and tips of the rare tubercled oxeas (inset, left); D, Apices variably shaped of strongyles and a microsclere; E, micropseudobirotules entirely smooth with pseudobirotules armoured by recurved hooks; F, strongyles, with tubercles and spines, shared by gemmular theca and gemmular cage.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Corvospongilla siamensis. Holotype MSNG 56533 from the Pong River (Lower Mekong Basin, Thailand). Micrographs (SEM) of gemmules. A, Gemmules of the sessile morph in a cluster sharing the gemmular cage strictly adhering to the basal spongin plate. Each hemispherical cage envelopes one gemmular theca; B, Strongyles variably shaped at the outer surface of the gemmular cage, typical button-like gemmuloscleres are indicated by arrows; C, D, Gemmular theca variably shaped, bearing tangentially gemmuloscleres embedded in compact spongin; E, Gemmular theca surrounded by the not adhering stout spicular cage (cross section); F, Foramen with compact and chambered spongin armed by a few gemmuloscleres; G, Gemmular theca (cross section) of sublayered compact spongin protecting the mass of totipotent cells; H, Detail of the gemmular theca (cross section) of compact sublayered spongin armed by gemmuloscleres as tangential strongyles with spiny tips.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Biogeographic pattern of the genus Corvospongilla (modified from Manconi & Pronzato, 2002, 2004). The type locality of Corvospongilla siamensis at Ban Huai Sai (16 ˚ 46 ˏ 20.40 ˝ N, 102 ˚ 42 ˏ 48.22 ˝ E) (Pong River, Lower Mekong Basin, Thailand) is indicated by an arrow.";