dc:description"Figure 1. Adults of Epidesmiinae genera. Type species of each genus is illustrated, except in Phrataria, where a similar species is illustrated instead. A. Ecphyas holopsara male. Australia, WA, Albany, Torndirrup NP, 5.1.1993, coll. ANIC. B, C. E. holopsara female. Australia, WA, Leeuwin-Naturaliste NP, 5.1.2015, coll. Friedrich. D. Arcina fulgorigera male.Australia, WA, Talling, WA, 200 m, 3.11.2003, coll. ANIC. E, F. A. fulgorigera female. Australia, WA, Icy Ck, Lane Pool Res. 300 m, 6.11.2003, coll. ANIC. G, I. Systatica xanthastis male.Australia, Victoria, East Gippsland, 2.1.2012, 300 m, coll. Friedrich. H. S. xanthastis female. Australia, QLD, Binna Burra Lamington NP, 15.11.1992, 700 m, coll.ANIC. J, L. Phrataria replicataria male. Australia, Victoria, Gisborne, 17.2.1901, coll. NHMUK. K. P. replicataria female. Australia, Victoria, Gisborne, 10.3.1901, coll. NHMUK. M, O. Phrixocomes ptilomacra male. Australia, WA, 37 km SW of Mt. Ragged, 2.11.1977, coll. ANIC. N. P. ptilomacra female. Australia, WA, 37 km SW of Mt. Ragged, 2.11.1977, coll. ANIC. P. Epidesmia tricolor male. (without locality, without date) Pres. by Lady Lochore to B. M. 1946-341, coll. NHMUK. Q, R. E. tricolor female. Australia, NSW, Lindfield, 22.12.1974, coll. ANIC. S. Dichromodes indicataria male. Australia, Victoria (without date). coll. NHMUK. T, U. D. indicataria female. Australia, Victoria (without date). coll. NHMUK.. V. Adeixis inostentata male. New Caledonia, Grand Lac, 19.5.1971, 250 m, coll. NHMUK. W, X. A. inostentata female. New Caledonia, Grand Lac, 19.5.1971, 250 m, coll. NHMUK. Y, AA Abraxaphantes perampla male. Thailand, Chiangmai, Thoeng Dang, 7.4.2006, 500 m, coll. Sihvonen. Z. A. perampla female. Thailand, Chiangmai, Thoeng Dang, 7.4.2006, 500 m, coll. Sihvonen.";
dc:description"Figure 6. Selected male structures of Epidesmiinae species. A, labial palps with scales.B, labial palps descaled and pit-organ (vom Rath’s organ) enlarged (Epidesmia chilonaria). C, metathorax furca, dorsal view (E. chilonaria). D, E, tympanal organ with scales and descaled (E. chilonaria). F, hind leg with hair-pencil (Phrataria replicataria). G, part of male reproductive organ (E. chilonaria). Specimen metadata are given in Supporting Information, File S1.";
dc:description"Figure 14. Adults and selected structures of Epidesmia tricolor Westwood, 1841. A, adult female, wingspan 52 mm. B, male reproductive organ. C, aedeagus with everted vesica. D, ansa of tympanal organ. E, male eighth abdominal segment. F, female head and labial palps. G, female reproductive organ. H, elongated signum. I, stellate signum. Specimen metadata are given in Supporting Information, File S1.";
dc:description"Figure 2. Adults of Epidesmiinae, showing different resting positions (A–E) and a ‘dancing’ specimen of Phrataria bijugata, see text for details. Photos printed with permission, see Acknowledgements for details. A, Systatica xanthastis, Australia, Queensland, Tamborine Mtn., 8 Oct. 2016, photo Nicholas Fisher. B, Dichromodes atrosignata, Australia, Victoria, Wilsons Promontory, 22 Sept. 2006, photo Peter Marriott. C, Phrixocomes ophiuca, Australia, Victoria, Davis Creek, Mallacoota, 1 Nov. 2010, photo Marilyn Hewish. D, Abraxaphantes perampla, Thailand, 19 Feb. 2012, photo Tim Stratford. E,Epidesmia tricolor, Australia, New South Wales, 16 Feb. 2009, photo Denis Wilson. F, Phrataria bijugata, Australia, Victoria, Eppalock, 24 Jan. 2012, photo Steve Williams.";
dc:description"Figure 17. Phenology for Epidesmiinae moths, summarizing the number of flight time records per month (42 species, nine genera).The most records are from the Southern Hemisphere summer months, highest numbers being between October and January. The adult records in many species occur within 2–4-month periods, indicating these may have only one generation per year. Abraxaphantes perampla has been taken in Thailand in March–April, but there is a single record in July.";