dc:description"FIG. 19. — Secondary phloem of lianas of Tecomeae s.s: A-I, transverse sections:A-C, Campsis radicans; A, Overall view of the secondary phloem.Non-stratified, with scattered individual fibers; B, Detail of the secondary phloem showing individual fibers (arrows); C, detail of the secondary phloem showing the sieve tubes (arrowhead) solitary or in radial multiples of two,with one companion cell.Note the individual fiber (yellow arrow); D-F, Pandorea jasminoides; D, stratified phloem, with fibers bands alternating with sieve tubes and axial parenchyma,interrupted by the rays that do not lignify, not even when crossing the fiber bands; E, detail of the secondary phloem,with sive tubes in radial multiples (arrows), with one companion cell on their corner;F, detail of the single periderm, showing an evenly thinwalled phellem, thick phelloderm. Note the pericyclic fiber strand (arrow); G-I, Podranea ricasoliana; G, overall view of the bark. Rhytidome present, with sequent periderms (arrows) reticulate.Secondary phloem non-fibrous,devoid of fibers,with fibersclereids present in clusters (arrowheads). Course of rays straight;H, detail of the secondary phloem showing the axial parenchyma as the matrix where other cell types are found.Detail of the fibersclereid cluster (arrowhead); I, detail showing the sieve tubes in short radial multiples,with one companion cell lying on their corner (arrows). Abbreviations:cz, cambial zone;pd, phelloderm;pf, pericyclic fibers; ph, phloem; pl, phellem; x, secondary xylem. Scale bars: A, 1 mm; B, E, I, 50 μm; C, 25 μm; D, F-H, 200 μm. Fig. 19B and C by courtesy of Kishore Rajput.";