dc:description"Figure 3. Photos of the holotype CIB 20180522001 of Oreolalax longmenmontis sp. nov. in life A dorsal view B ventral view C lateral view D view of chest E view of oral cavity E dorsal view of fingers G view of femoris posterior H ventral view of foot I ventral view of hand. Key: 1 indicates tympanum hidden; 2 denotes a pair of spinal patches with large and sparse spines on chest; 3 denotes nuptial spines on the dorsal surface of fingers I and II; 4 denotes two small posterior femoral glands.";
dc:description"Figure 4. Specimen photos of Oreolalax longmenmontis sp. nov. and its relative species A, B dorsal and ventral view of the holotype CIB 20180522001 of Oreolalax longmenmontis sp. nov. C, D dorsal and ventral view of the topotype CIB 25142 of O. popei E, F dorsal and ventral view of the topotype CIB 89700 of O. nanjiangensis G, H dorsal and ventral view of the topotype CIB 89682 of O. chuanbeiensis. Scale bar: equal to 10 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 5. Colour variations in Oreolalax longmenmontis sp. nov. A, B dorsal and ventral view of the paratype CIB 20180527002 C, D dorsal and ventral view of the paratype CIB 20180526001.";
dc:description"Figure 6. The tadpole specimen CIB 2018041501 of Oreolalax longmenmontis sp. nov. A dorsal view B lateral view C ventral view D mouth structure. Key: 1 spiracle; 2 upper keratodonts; 3 lower keratodonts; 4 additional tubercles at the angles of mouth; 5 labial papillae on upper lips; 6 labial papillae on lower lips.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Habitats of Oreolalax longmenmontis sp. nov. in the type locality, Sichuan White River National Nature Reserve in Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province, China A landscape of montane forests B a montane stream with a small pond occupied by toad (insert: the holotype CIB 20180522001 in life).";