dc:description"FIGURE 9. Scanning electron micrographs of polyp sclerites of Xenia membranacea Schenk, 1896 syntype (SMF 41). a. Irregular sclerites with rough surface texture; b. Irregular sclerites with granular surface texture; c. Sclerites with surface crest, some fractured; d. Fractured sclerites composed of dendritic rods (enlarged). e. Ellipsoid platelets; f. Round sclerite; g. Fractured sclerite. Scale bar at a, b, c, e, f, g 0.010 mm, at d 0.002 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. Scanning electron micrographs of polyp sclerites of Xenia viridis Schenk, 1896 holotype (SMF 42). a. Ellipsoid platelets featuring rough granulated surface, arrow indicates surface furrow; b. Sclerites with surface crest, fractured; c. Fractured sclerites composed of a latticework matrix of calcite rods, dendritic and sinuous, and radially arranged in peripheral region. Scale bar at a and b 0.010 mm, at c 0.002 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Scanning electron micrographs of polyp sclerites of Xenia garciae Bourne, 1894 type (BML 1921.11.18.1). a. Sclerite with a surface crest, fractured; b. Ellipsoid sclerites, fractured c. Fractured sclerite composed of a latticework matrix of calcite rods, dendritic and sinuous and radially arranged in the peripheral region; d. Overview of sclerites, fractured. Scale bar at a, b and d 0.010 mm, at c 0.002 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Scanning electron micrographs of polyp sclerites of Xenia crassa Schenk, 1896 holotype (SMF 39). a. Sclerites with a surface crest, fractured; b. Ellipsoid platelet, mostly fractured; c. Fractured sclerite composed of a latticework matrix of dendritic calcite rods and more or less radially arranged in the peripheral region. Arrows at b, c indicate surface furrow. Scale bar 0.010 mm.";