dc:title"A comparative description of the larvae of Psychomyia pusilla (Fabricius 1781), Metalype fragilis (Pictet 1834), and Paduniella vandeli Décamps 1965 (Trichoptera: Psychomyiidae) and comments on the larvae of other species belonging to these three genera";
dc:description"FIGURES1–3. Psychomyiidae spp., heads of instar V larvae, dorsal.(1) Psychomyia pusilla; (2) Metalype fragilis (larva from English population); (3) Paduniella vandeli. The scaleis the same for the three species.";
dc:description"FIGURES4–6.Psychomyiidae spp., headsof instar V larvae, leftlateral.(4)Psychomyia pusilla, sm = submentalsclerites; (5) Metalype fragilis (larva from English populations); (6) Paduniella vandeli. The image of Pad. vandeli has been enlarged to facilitate comparison.";
dc:description"FIGURES 7–9. Psychomyiidae spp., heads of instar V larvae, ventral. (7) Psychomyia pusilla; (8) Metalype fragilis (larva from English population); (9)Paduniella vandeli. The image of Pad.vandelihas been enlarged tofacilitate the comparison.sm = submental sclerites, va = ventral apotome.";
dc:description"FIGURES 17–21. Psychomyiidae spp., pronota, procoxopleurites, and proximal parts of prothoracic legs of instar V larvae, left lateral. (17) Psychomyia pusilla; (18) Metalype fragilis (larva from English population); (19) Paduniella vandeli. The arrows indicate the diagonal dark thickening. For procoxopleurite and procoxa, see figure 26; (20) Tinodes waeneri, no diagonal dark thickening; ventrolateral extensions (ve) of the pronotum are present. (21) Pad. vandeli, the arrows indicate the distal extremities of the diagonal dark thickenings of Fig 19.";
dc:description"FIGURES 22–25. Psychomyiidae spp., heads, prothoraces, and prothoracic legs of instar V larvae, ventral. (22) Metalype fragilis (larva from French population); (23) Psychomyia pusilla; (24) Tinodes waeneri; (25) Paduniella vandeli. For Psy. pusilla and M. fragilis, the two arrows indicate the prosternal sclerites, for M. fragilis, a cuticular fold overlaps partially the lateral part of the prosternal sclerite; for T. waeneri, the arrow indicates the ventrolateral extension (ve) of the pronotum; the yellow dotted line indicates the trace of the prosternal sclerite attached to the ventrolateralextensions of thepronotum; for Pad. vandeli, the yellow dotted line underlines the trace of the colourless roll of membrane.";
dc:description"FIGURES 31–33. Psychomyiidae spp., left anal prolegs, anal claws, and teeth of instar V larvae, left lateral. (31) Psychomyia pusilla; (32) Metalype fragilis; (33) Paduniella vandeli. ac = anal claw, t = teeth.";
dc:description"FIGURES 26–27. Metalype fragilis, instar V larva. (25) Left prothoracic leg and coxopleurite, posterolateral; (26) tarsus and tarsal claw, posterolateral. am = articular membrane, b = brush of setae; bsp = basal spur, cx = coxa, epm = epimeron, eps = episternum, fe = femur, hc = head of coxa, pt = protrochantin, se = seta, s = suture, ta = tarsus, tc = tarsal claw, ti = tibia, tr = trochanter. Except for the dark basal seta of the tarsal claw (se) and the brush of setae of the tarsus (b), the other setae are not shown.";
dc:description"FIGURES 37–41. Psychomyiidae spp., submental sclerites, ventral apotomes and anterior margins of the heads, ventral. (37) Psychomyia lumina (adapted from a drawing by Wiggins 1996); (38) P. flavida (adapted from a photograph); (39) Psy. ctenophora(adaptedfrom a photographby Vieira-Lanero2000); (40) Psy. undetermined South Korean species (adapted from a photograph); (41) Metalype fragilis (re-used Fig. 11 for comparisons).";
dc:description"FIGURES 28–30. Psychomyiidae spp., instar V larvae. (28–29) Metalype fragilis: (28) left mesothoracic leg and pleuron, left posterolateral; (29) tarsus and tarsal claw, left posterolateral. (30) Paduniella vandeli, tarsus and tarsal claw, posterolateral. am = articular membrane, bsp = basal spur, cx = coxa, ds = dark seta, pl = pleuron. Except for the dark basal seta of a tarsal claw, the other setae are not shown.";
dc:description"FIGURES 42–44. Paduniella, prothoraces, ventral. (42) Pad. vandeli; (43) Pad. undetermined South African species; (44) Pad.nearctica (from a photograph).The yellow dotted line underlines the path of the colourless roll of membrane.";
dc:description"FIGURES 45–47. Paduniella spp., right mandibles, ventral. (45) Pad. nearctica (redrawn from Wiggins 1996); (46) Pad. undetermined South African species (redrawn from de Moor & Scott 2004); (47) Pad. vandeli. The arrow (Figs 45, 46) indicates the “mesal notch” defined by Wiggins (1996); no conspicuous mesal notch is seen in Pad. vandeli (? in Fig. 47, redrawn from Fig. 16).";