dc:creator"Angus, Robert B.; Maté, Jason F.; Angus, Elizabeth M.; Král, David";
dc:title"Towards a revision of the Palaearctic species of Aphodius Hellwig, 1798, subgenus Liothorax Motschulsky, 1860 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae)";
dc:description"Figure 2. a – k whole beetles a A. plagiatus, CZ, Moravia b A. plagiatus, MG, Mongolia c A. jakutorum, holotype, RU, East Siberia d L. rodrigoi sp. nov., holotype SP, Aranjuez e A. rutilipennis (A. ressli, holotype) TR, Hatay, Iskenderun f A. rutilipennis, large ♀, CY, Akrotiri g A. rutilipennis (A. cypricola, holotype) CY h A. chellala sp. nov., holotype, AG, Chellala i A. rusakovi, ♂ paratype, RU, Orenburg j A. discoides, neotype (A. bytinskisalzi, holotype) IS, Kuneitra k A. discoides, black form from TR, Karakurt. Scale bar: 1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 5. a – p A. plagiatus group, heads and pronota a – c A. plagiatus plagiatus a GB, Norfolk b CZ, Moravia, Dobre Pole c RU, St Petersburg d A. p. sinoplagiatus ssp. nov., paratype, CH, Qinghai, Gangca e – g A. discoides e neotype IS Kuneitra f TR, Kyzil Dag g Turkey Muş h A. discoides, black ♂, TR, Karakurt i – k A. rutilipennis i A. ressli, holotype, TR, Hatay j CY, Akrotiri k A. cypricola, holotype, CY l A. chellala sp. nov., holotype, AG, Chellala m A. rusakovi, paratype ♂, RU, Orenburg n A. ballerioi sp. nov., paratype ♂, TR, Rize o, p L. kraatzi o RU, Astrakhan p SR. Scale bar: 1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 7. a – k epipharynxes a – f A. plagiatus plagiatus a, b GB, Hunstanton, Norfolk c CZ, Moravia, Dobré Pole d RU, Pavlovsk, St Petersburg e A. p. sinoplagiatus ssp. nov., paratype, CH, Gangca, Qinghai f A. p. sinoplagiatus?, CH, “ Pekin, coll. Fry ” g A. rodrigoi sp. nov., holotype, SP h A. discoides, TR i A. rusakovi, paratype, RU, Orenburg j A. rutilipennis, CY, Akrotiri k A. chellala, sp. nov., paratype, AG, Chellala. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 14. Aphodius plagiatus group, pronotal bases 2 a A. discoides, TR b A. kraatzi, SK c L. rusakovi, paratype, RU, Volgograd oblast’.";
dc:description"Figure 17. Elytral sculpture of interstices 2 or 3 a – z stacked photographs a A. plagiatus plagiatus, CZ, Moravia b, c A. p. sinoplagiatus ssp. nov., paratypes, CH b Gangca, Qinghai c Gansu d A. rutilipennis (A. ressli, holotype), TR, Hatay e A. chellala sp. nov., holotype f A. rusakovi, paratype, RU, Orenburg g, h A. discoides g neotype, IS, Kuneitra h TR, Kizildag i A. discoides, black specimen, TR, Karakurt j A. kraatzi, SK k A. isikdagensis, paratype, TR, Ḉamildere l, m A. niger, Sweden, Södermanland, Tullgarn n – q A. muscorum, HU n holotype, Vörös-tó o Hortobágyi p, q Kisjúszállás r, s A. niger? r CZ, Hradec Králové s CZ, České Budějovice t A. muscorum? SK, Bol u A. bellumgerens sp. nov., paratype, IT, Sicily v A. felix sp. nov., paratype, IT w A. wilsonae, paratype, SP x A. bameuli sp. nov., paratype, FR, Corsica y A. krelli sp. nov., paratype, IT, Sardinia z A. alberti sp. nov., paratype, TR, Rize, Ovitdag. a’– c ’ A. plagiatus, at higher magnification a ’, c ’ stacked photographs a ”, c ” SEM images a ’, a ” A. p. sinoplagiatus ssp. nov., CH, Gansu c ”, c ’ A. p. plagiatus, CZ, Moravia. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 18. Legs a – h A. plagiatus group, stacked photographs mid tarsi and apical portions of tibiae a A. plagiatus sinoplagiatus ssp. nov., paratype, CH, Gangca, Qinghai b A. rodrigoi sp. nov. holotype, SP, Aranjuez c A. rutilipennis (A. ressli, holotype), TR, Hatay d A. chellala sp. nov., holotype, AG, Chellala e A. discoides, neotype, IS, Keneitra f, g A. kraatzi f SV g RU, Karasuk, W. Siberia h A. rusakovi, paratype ♂, RU, Orenburg i – t A. niger group, mid tarsi, and tibial apices i – o SEM images p – t stacked photographs i A. niger, Sweden, Södermanland, Tullgarn j A. muscorum, HU, Hortobágyi k, l A. bameuli sp. nov., paratypes, FR, Corsica m, n A. krelli sp. nov., paratypes, IT, Sardinia o A. wilsonae, paratype SP p, q A. felix sp. nov, IT, Abruzzo, Campo Felice p paratype q holotype r A. bellumgerens sp. nov., paratype, IT, Sicily s A. isikdagensis, paratype, TR, Ḉamildere t A. alberti sp. nov., holotype, TR, Rize, Ovitdag u, v fore tibiae and tarsi of ♂♂ to show the spur. u A. bameuli sp. nov., paratype, FR, Corsica v A. rusakovi, paratype, RU, Orenburg w, x apex of hind tibia to show the short spines w A. muscorum, HU x A. wilsonae, paratype, SP. Scale bar: 1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 20. Metaventrites, A. plagiatus group a A. plagiatus plagiatus, GB, Studland, ♂ b A. p. sinoplagiatus ssp. nov., paratype, CH, Gansu, ♀ c, d A. rutilipennis, CY c ♂ d ♀ e, f A. chellala sp. nov., paratypes, AG e ♂ f ♀ g, h A. kraatzi, RU, Orenburg, ♂ i A. kraatzi, SK, ♀ j A. rodrigoi sp. nov., holotype, ♂, SP, Provinicia de Madrid, Aranjuez k, l A. discoides k neotype ♂, IS, Kuneitra l TR, ♀ m, n A. rusakovi m paratype, ♂, RU, Orenburg n ♀ RU, Volgograd oblast’. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 22. Aphodius plagiatus group aedeagi a – c A. plagiatus plagiatus, GB, Studland, Dorset, aedeagus with extruded endophallus a, b SEM images a whole aedeagus b endophallus in more detail c stacked photograph of endophallus d – g A. discoides, neotype (Aphodius bytinskisalzi, holotype, IS, Kuneitra) d, e, e ’ SEM images f, g stacked photographs h – n cleared preparations mounted on slides h A. p. plagiatus, GB, Norfolk i A. p. sinoplagiatus? “ China, Pekin ”, Fry collection i ’ teeth on neck of endophallus in the region marked with an arrow in i j, k A. plagiatus sinoplagiatus ssp. nov., paratypes j CH, Gangca k CH, Tsaidam l Aphodius jakutorum Balthasar, lectotype, RU, East Siberia m A. rodrigoi sp. nov., holotype, SP, Aranjuez, dissected aedeagus m ’ endophallus m ” endophallic teeth in area indicated by arrow in m ’ at higher magnification n A. discoides, TR, Karacadag n ’ teeth on neck of endophallus, in area indicated by arrow in n at higher magnification o A. discoides, black specimen from TR, Karakurt, o ’ teeth on neck of endophallus, in area indicated by arrow in o at higher magnification p, p ’ A. rusakovi p paratype, RU, Orenburg p ’ RU Volgograd obl. Fastov, paramere, lateral q – v SEM images and stacked photographs q, r A. rutilipennis, CY, with endophallus inflated q SEM image q ’ (bottom right of plate) dorsal surface of endophallus in area indicated by arrow in q at higher magnification, to show the hair-like setae r stacked photograph of the same specimen s, s ’ A. chellala sp. nov., paratype with endophallus extruded s stacked photograph s ’, s ”, s ” ’ SEMs of the same specimen s ”, s ” ’ at higher magnifications t, u L. chellala sp. nov., holotype with the endophallus extruded t stacked photograph u SEM image v – z photographs of cleared specimens mounted in DMHF on slides v, w A. rutilipennis v CY w TR w ’ teeth on neck of endophallus, in area indicated by arrow in w at higher magnification x A. chellala sp. nov., paratype, AG, Taguin (La Smala) x ’ teeth on neck of endophallus, in area indicated by arrow in x at higher magnification y, z A. kraatzi y KZ, Syr Darya z AF, Kabul z ’ teeth on neck of endophallus, in area indicated by arrow in z at higher magnification Scale bar 1: 1 mm (a, d, f – t, v – z); 0.4 mm (n ’, o ’, s ”, w ’, x ’, z ’); 0.17 mm (e ’, m ”, q’ s ” ’). Scale bar 2: 1 mm (b, c, e, g and s ”).";
dc:description"Figure 29. a distribution of niger - group taxa in Western and Central Europe b distribution of Liothorax species in Central and Eastern Palearctic c distribution of plagiatus - group species in Central and Eastern Palearctic. The record of isikdagensis with the question mark indicates a doubtful specimen from Artvin Çam, TR (Ziani Coll).";