dc:description"Figure 1. Illustration of Incadendron esseri. A Habit B Shoot tip C Leaf base (adaxial) D Leaf base and marginal glands (abaxial). E Staminate subinflorescence F Staminate cymule (distal view) G Staminate cymule (proximal view, without lateral buds) H Staminate flower I Pistillate flower J Fruit K Mericarp valve L Columella M Seed (ventral face). (Source: A-G Calatayud et al. 4711, MO; H-I Monteagudo et al. 4458, US; J Vasquez & Valenzuela 37638, MO; K-M Monteagudo & Ortiz 4605, US).";
dc:description"Figure 3. Morphology of Incadendron (A-J, L-M) and Senefelderopsis (K, N). A Habit, with paired branching and staminate inflorescences; note latex at damaged nodes B Leaf base (adaxial) with basal lobes C Leaf base (abaxial) with curled glandular margin D Staminate inflorescence with cymules subtended by glands; central flowers abscised leaving two lateral buds per cymule E Branch tip showing leaf-opposed inflorescence and stipule-enclosed renewal shoot F Summit of peduncle showing bract scars G Nearly mature green fruit H Mature brown fruit I Seed with funicle; holes in I & J come from insect predation J Mericarp valve with outline of seed position K Mericarp valve with a seed; funicle obscures gap L Seed coat, transverse view (SEM) M Pericarp profile and top half of valve (exocarp removed) N Pericarp profile and top half of valve. (Abbreviations: f = funicle, g = gap, ib = inflorescence bract scar, p = pistillate, pb = pistillate bract scar, s = staminate. Orientation of M-N relative to J-K shown by diagrams where x-y = plane of cross section, z = apically pointing arrow. (Source: Incadendron, A-E, G-H Farfan et al. 1049, 1131; F Farfan et al. 706, MO; I-J, M Monteagudo & Ortiz 4605, US; L Monteagudo et al. 4484, US. Senefelderopsis croizatii, K, N Radosavljevic 296, US).";
dc:description"Figure 4. Micromorphological and anatomical features of Incadendron. A Staminate flower with one anther removed, showing short filaments and basally connate sepals B Young inflorescence, showing inflorescence bract and staminate cymules subtended by glands and bracts C Pollen; mesocolpium-centered equatorial view of whole grain D Pollen; slightly oblique polar view of whole grains E Abaxial laminar surface with marginal gland F Abaxial laminar surface closeup, showing striate micro-sculpturing and stomata G Fractured shoot tip, showing stipule surrounding young leaf with conduplicate ptyxis H Anatomical cross section of shoot apex, showing central terminal inflorescence surrounded by nested series of two developing leaves with subtending sheathing stipules (composite tiled image) I Closer view of anatomical cross section of stipule, showing mucilage-secreting cell layer. (Abbreviations: a = site of attachment of missing anther, cb = cymule bract, g = glands, ib = inflorescence bract, in = inflorescence, lf = leaf, mu = dried mucilage, se = secreting cells, st = stipule. A-G imaged with a Zeiss EVO MA 15 SEM at 10 - 12 kV after sputter coating with 25 nm of Au / Pd; SEM samples untreated and directly mounted from dried herbarium specimens; pollen from dehiscing anthers. H-I from paraffin-embedded, rehydrated herbarium specimens; 7 μm sections stained with iron-mordanted safranin O and celestine blue B; imaged with a Zeiss Universal. Source: A, C-D Monteagudo et al. 4458, US; B Neill & Kajekai 16622, US; E-I Neill & Kajekai 16646, US).";
dc:description"Figure 5. Hippomaneae shoot tips showing stipule and ptyxis variation. A Homalanthus nutans (G. Forst.) Guill. with large, deciduous, sheathing stipules protecting shoot tip B Transverse view of H. nutans shoot tip, showing nested series of three developing leaves with scroll-like lamina (ptyxis involute), each surrounded by a pair of sheathing stipules C Transverse view of Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour. young leaf showing slightly inrolled lamina (ptyxis conduplicate-involute) D E. cochinchinensis shoot tip with small persistent stipules. (Abbreviation: s = stipule. Source: Freehand sections of fresh tissues grown in Department of Botany greenhouses).";