dc:description"FIGURES 37 41. Pronotum of Goniusa caseyi Gusarov, sp. n. (paratypes from Aweme, Manitoba (37); and Stonewall, Manitoba (38 )) and G. alperti Kistner (holotype (39); female from San Bernardino Mts., California (40), paratype from 10 mi. E of Coville, Washington (41 )). 37, 39 – male pronotum; 38, 40 41 – female pronotum. Scale bar 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 48 51. Median lobe of aedeagus of Goniusa alperti Kistner (male from West Point, Nebraska). 48 – median lobe, parameral view; 49 – apex of median lobe, parameral view; 50 – median lobe, lateral view; 51 – apex of median lobe, lateral view. Scale bar 0.4 mm (48, 50), 0.2 mm (49, 51).";
dc:description"FIGURES 52 56. Genitalia of Goniusa alperti Kistner (paratype from 10 mi. E of Coville, Washington (52); female from Tahoe City, California (53); female from 16 km NW of Granby, Colorado (54); holotype (55 56 )). 52 54 – spermatheca; 55 – everted internal sac of aedeagus, lateral view; 56 – everted internal sac of aedeagus, parameral view. Scale bar 0.2 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 57. Geographical distribution of Goniusa caseyi Gusarov, sp. n. and G. alperti Kistner. Black circles and triangles indicate the localities of examined specimens. Open circles and triangles indicate the localities of additional specimens listed by Kistner (1976) but not examined by me. The exact locality of the Texas specimens of Goniusa caseyi is unknown.";