dc:creator"Fernandez, Julio C. C.; Cárdenas, César A.; Bravo, Alejandro; Lôbo-Hajdu, Gisele; Willenz, Philippe; Hajdu, Eduardo";
dc:title"Lissodendoryx (Ectyodoryx) Lundbeck, 1909 (Coelosphaeridae, Poecilosclerida, Demospongiae) from Southern Chile: new species and a discussion of morphologic characters in the subgenus";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Lissodendoryx (Ectyodoryx) corrugata sp. nov., skeleton. A – C, holotype (IZUA – POR 167): A, general view, transverse section; B, detail of anisotropic choanosomal reticulation; C, tylotes arranged perpendicularly or obliquely to surface. D – F, skeletal architecture of paratype (MNRJ 17398): D, general view, transverse section; E, detail of anisotropic choanosomal reticulation; F, choanosomal fibers echinated by acanthostyles. Scales: A, D = 500 µm; B – C, E – F = 100 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Lissodendoryx (Ectyodoryx) ballena sp. nov., skeleton and spicules. A – D, skeleton: A, holotype (IZUA – POR 166); B, paratype (MNRJ 8813); C, detail of plumo-reticulate architecture in holotype choanosome; D, detail of choanosome of paratype, arrow points to one of the little apertures on surface. E – F, spicules in light microscope: E, isochelae in choanosome of holotype (i = larger; ii, intermediate; iii = smaller); F, isochelae in choanosome of paratype (i = larger; ii, intermediate; iii = smaller); G, acanthostyles I and II erect around a polychaete tube traversing choanosome of paratype. H – Q, electron micrographs of the spicule complement of holotype: H, tornotes; I, extremities of tornotes; J, acanthostyles I; K, base of acanthostyles I; L, acanthostyles II; M, base of acanthostyles II; N arcuate isochela I; O, arcuate isochelae II; P, arcuate isochelae III; Q, sigmas. Scales: A – B = 500 µm; C – D, G = 100 µm; H, J, L = 50 µm; I, P = 5 µm; K, M – O, Q = 10 µm.";