dc:description"FIGURE 2. Two taxa morphologically similar to Nephoanthus: Phyllagathis rotundifolia (A & B); Tigridiopalma magnifica (C−E). A. Habit; B. Inflorescence; C. Habit; D, E. Flower, face and side views. A & B by Che-Wei Lin; C−E by Wei-Yen Chen.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. A selection of taxa within the superclade recognized by Zhou et al. (2019c) that contains Nephoanthus, showing varied habits and morphological characters: Driessenia inaequalifolia (M), D. phasmolacuna (K & L); Medinilla laxiflora (B), M. speciosa (G & H), M. sp. (I & J); Phyllagathis gymnantha (N), P. rajah (A, C & D), P. stellata (E & F). A. Terrestrial in lowland mixed dipterocarp forest; B. Understory epiphyte on tree trunks and branches; C. Pleiochasium; D. Side view of flower, appendages firmly connected with the anther sacs, concolorous, hypanthium 10-ribbed; E. Umbelliform inflorescence; F. Side view of flower, anthers with concolorous appendages, connective slightly prolonged below anther sacs, hypanthium 10-ribbed; G. Paniculate inflorescence; H. Face view of flower, appendages firmly connected with the anther sacs, discolorous; I. Paniculate inflorescence; J. Face view of flower, appendages firmly connected with the anther sacs, concolorous; K. Thyrse, also showing the old capsule as empty cups; L. Face view of flower, anthers with concolorous appendages, connective slightly prolonged below anther sacs; M. Old capsule as empty cups; N. Old capsules, ovary with 4-horned placental column, placentas thready.All photos by Che-Wei Lin.";