dc:description"FIGURES 1–4. Rohrthripidae species. Adstrictubothrips mirapterus gen. et sp. n. 1–2: (1) holotype female dorsal view, indicated: constriction at the tube; (2) right wings, indicated: duplicated cilium on fore wing margin. Gemineurothrips microcephalus gen. et sp. n. syntype female (MU-Fos-145/1) 3–4: (3) dorsal view; (4) left antenna.";
dc:description"FIGURES 21–23. Sesquithrips rostratus gen. et sp. n. holotype female. (21) dorsal view, mouth cone outlined white; (22) left wings, indicated: distinct seta at distal end of second wing vein; (23) serrate hind margin of left hind wing.";
dc:description"FIGURES 5–7. Rohrthripidae species. (5) Gemineurothrips microcephalus gen. et sp. n. syntype female (MU-Fos-148/1): dorsolateral view. Gemineurothrips peculiaris gen. et sp. n. holotype 6–7: (6) dorsal view; (7) left fore wing.";
dc:description"FIGURES 12–15. Rohrthrips spp. (12) Rohrthrips brachyvenis sp. n. holotype female, dorsal view; (13) Rohrthrips breviceps male, dorsal view (Note: the median shading makes the tube appear narrow, but the lighter edges are part of the tube, which actually is broad at base); (14) Rohrthrips jiewenae male, dorsal view; (15) Rohrthrips multihamuli sp. n. holotype female, head and pronotum, antennal segments III–IV indicated with roman numerals.";
dc:description"FIGURES 16–18. Rohrthrips spp. (16) Rohrthrips pandemicus sp. n. holotype female aptera, dorsal view; (17) Rohrthrips rhamphorhynchus sp. n. holotype, dorsal view, indicated: second vein at base of fore wing; mouth cone outlined white; (18) Rohrthrips setiger sp. n. holotype female, right fore wing, indicated: second wing vein at base.";
dc:description"FIGURES 19–20. Sesquithrips markpankowskii gen. et sp. n. (19) holotype female, dorsal view, mouth cone outlined white; (20) paratype male, dorsal view, mouth cone outlined white. (Note: The wings of the male are bent upwards and, therefore, longer than visible on the photo).";
dc:description"FIGURES 35–38. Line drawings of Rohrthripidae. Head, mouthparts and prothorax (md: mandibula, mx: maxillary stylets) 35–37: (35) Adstrictubothrips mirapterus gen. et sp. n. holotype female; (36) Gemineurothrips peculiaris gen. et sp. n. holotype (spa: posteroangular setae, left broken off and lying close to coxa; scx: coxal setae); (37) Rohrthrips rhamphorhynchus sp. n. holotype. (38) Rohrthrips multihamuli sp. n. holotype; left antenna, segment numbers in Roman numerals, indicated: ventral projections on segments V–VII (cs: campaniform sensillum, uncolored trichomes indicate presumptive sense cones).";