dc:description"FIGURE 14. Osedax lehmani n. sp., previously Osedax ‘yellow collar’. A. Several adult females on rib bone of a gray whale calf (Eschrichtius robustus) that was deployed at385 meters inMonterey Canyon.Ribwas recovered tostudy the Osedax in an aquariumsetting.Note distinctive yellow ringaround most of the anteriorend of trunk.The massivecirculatory system intrunk and palps is evident from red color of worms. B. Micrograph of live paratype 4 (SIO-BIC A7808), a female, in dorsal view dissected from gray whale deployed at 385 meters. The ‘root’ mass is asingle lobe extending away to the right of ovisac. Palps are retracted and partly curled, with pinnules all oriented dorsally.Note mid-dorsal gap in yellow pigment ring, through which oviduct runs and extends into crown.Note demarcation of the lower and upper trunk (arrow). Oviduct emerges onto surface of dorsal trunk at this point. Oviduct is full of oocytes and highly contracted nature of the trunk is evident in zigzag shape of the oviduct on trunk. C. Live holotype (SIO-BIC A7804), a female, in ventral view. Holotype is partially dissected from the gray whale deployed at 385 meters.Root mass(also containing ovarian tissue) has been dissected out ofbone on right sideand more extends into the bone, away from ovisac. Palps are retracted and curled. Note midventral gap in yellow pigment ring. D. Live adultfemale inlateral view on same ribbone as in A.There is a gap in yellowpigment ring whereoviduct traverses thetrunk to become part of the crown. E. Scanning electron micrograph of a female dissected from whale bone deployed at 385 meters. Pinnules of all palps are oriented dorsally.";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. Osedax lehmani n. sp., previously Osedax ‘yellow collar’, ‘sp. 3 SBJ-2006’. A. Transverse section (7 µm) of paratype 3 (SIO-BIC A7807), through crown showing pinnules of all palps oriented dorsally and oviduct lying between the dorsalmost pair of palps. B. Transverse section (7 µm) through trunk of paratype 3 (SIO-BIC A7807) showing extensive musculatureand glands.Prominent dorsal and ventral blood vesselsare alsovisible.C. Live males, allotypes (SIO-BICA7805) in tube of their female (her pinnules are visible). Males show small patches of pigment anteriorly and posteriorly. D. Differential interference micrograph of a male dissected from tube of paratype 2 (SIO-BIC A7806). Prototroch is visible anteriorly.Somehooksare visiblein expanded posterior region. Nomature sperm is visible, though thereare severalbundlesof spermatids.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Osedax phylogenetic analyses. Osedax multi-gene phylogeny with Monilifera as outgroup.Maximum likelihood tree topology based on a partitioned dataset of five gene segments (MAFFT-aligned) for data shown in Table 2. The Bayesian analyses gave the same topology. Bootstrap support % (BS) is at each node, followed by posterior probability (PP) from the MrBayes analyses. * indicates values were ± 95% (BS) and 0.95 (PP). Missing values indicate BS <50% and PP <0.7. Six major Osedax clades are distinguished, following Vrijenhoek et al. (2009), Rouse et al. (2015) and Taboada et al. (2015). The various forms of palps (or absence thereof in the case of O. jabba n. sp.) are indicated for the major clades but these are not intended to indicate apomorphic states.";