dc:description"Fig. 1. Various tarsal elements of archosaurs: a distal view of the right tarsus of a eusuchian crocodilian; b proximal view of the right calcaneum of the pseudosuchian Prestosuchus; c lateral view of the left calcaneum of a eusuchian crocodilian; d lateral view of the left calcaneum of a theropod dinosaur AC articular cartilage; AH anterior hollow of the astragulus; CT calcaneal tuber; DR distal roller of the astragulus; DT distal tarsal four facet of the calcaneum; F fibula; FC fibular condyle of the calcaneum; P peg of the astragalus; S socket of the calcaneum; T tongue of the calcaneum; TI tibia.";
dc:description"Fig. 4. Reconstructed pelvic and hindlimb muscles of the theropod dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex. AMB M. ambiens; CFB M. caudofemoralis brevis; CFL M. caudofemoralis longus; FTE M. flexor tibialis externus; GF M. gastrocnemius, fibular head; PIFI1 M. puboischiofemoralis internus part one; TFTE tendon of the M. flexor tibialis externus.";
dc:description"Fig. 5. Reconstructed pelvic and hindlimb muscles of the theropod dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus rex. FTI2 M. flexor tibialis internus part two; FTI3 M. flexor tibialis internus part three; IF M. ilio- femoralis; PIFI2 M. puboischio- femoralis internus part two.";
dc:description"Fig. 6. Ventral view of the right side of a eusuchian crocodilian pelvis and hindlimb. IL ilium; IS ischium; PIFE1,2,3 M. puboischiofemoralis externus parts one, two and three.";
dc:description"Fig. 3. Lateral view of the left shank and pes of a eusuchian crocodilian. AMB M. ambiens; C calcaneum; FTE M. flexor tibialis externus; G M. gas trocnemius, fibular head; PA M. pero neus anterior; PP peroneus posterior; TCF tendon of the M. caudofemoralis attaching to the fibula; TCFM tendon of the M. caudofemoralis, forming the main origin for the fibular head of the M. gastrocnemius; TE tendon of the M. caudofemoralis to the extensor tendon of the knee; TFTE tendon of the M. flexor tibialis externus to the fifth metatarsus.";