dc:description"Figure 2. Zeylandium manasiae A habit showing mature fruits B floral bud enclosed in spathella and subtended by two bracts C flower showing andropodium, tepals and unequal stigmatic lobes D longitudinal section of the ovary, showing unequal locules E capsule. Illustration by Rajesh Tandon.";
dc:description"Figure 3. Zeylandium manasiae A habitat and habit showing plants on exposed rock surface (arrows) B habit of the plant showing solitary horizontally appressed flowering shoots C ventral surface of the thalli with haptera (arrows) D thalli bearing floriferous shoots on margins and point of branching E a young flower bud covered by bracts F floriferous shoot with flower subtended by two bracts. A pair of leaves can also be seen (arrows) G flower with spathella removed showing an anther and two tepals (arrows) H longitudinal section of floral bud enclosed in a spathella (sp). The ovary is bilocular and divided into two unequal halves by an apical septum (arrows). Numerous anatropous ovules (ov) are borne on a swollen placenta (p). One of the anthers in section shows a copious amount of dyad pollen I forked andropodium with two anthers J a mature capsule K a dehisced capsule showing persistent valve L comparative fruit morphology of congenerics. (Left to right) Z. maheshwarii, Z. lichenoides, Z. olivaceum and Z. manasiae M Comparative morphology of stigma. (Left to right) Z. maheshwarii, Z. lichenoides, Z. olivaceum and Z. manasiae. Scale bars: 2 mm (B); 3 mm (C); 2 mm (D); 1 mm (E); 2 mm (F); 0.5 mm (G); 0.2 mm (H); 0.5 mm (I); 1 mm (J); 1 mm (K); 5 mm (L).";
dc:description"Figure 4. Scanning electron micrographs A seed with reticulate spermoderm pattern B dyad pollen with micro-echinate ornamentation over the apertural (ap) and non apertural regions (np). Scale bars: 50 μm (A); 5 μm (B).";
dc:description"Figure 1. Distribution map of Zeylandium manasiae (red dot). Thommenkuthu Waterfalls, Idukki, Kerala (Map constructed using ArcGIS 9.2 software).";