dc:description"Figure 2. Dorsolateral and ventral views of Osteocephalus vasquezi sp. nov. A, B. Dorsolateral and ventral view of holotype CORBIDI 7284, SVL = 51.4 mm; C, D. Dorsolateral and ventral view of adult male, CORBIDI 7285, SVL = 40.8 mm; E, F. Dorsolateral and ventral view of adult female CORBIDI 7280, SVL = 65.9 mm; G. Dorsolateral view of a recently metamorphosed CORBIDI 7304, SVL = 13 mm; H. Dorsolateral view of tadpole in stage 42. Photographs by P. J. Venegas.";
dc:description"Figure 5. Preserved specimens of Osteocephalus vasquezi sp. nov. showing variation in dorsal and ventral pattern. Left to right, first row: CORBIDI 7271 (female), 7280 (female), 7274, 7276, and the holotype 7284 (males); second row CORBIDI 7277, 7278, 7279, 7281, 7283 (males); third row: CORBIDI 7271 (female), 7280 (female), 7274, 7276, and the holotype 7284 (males); fourth row: CORBIDI 7277, 7278, 7279, 7281, 7283 (males). All specimens are shown at the same scale.";
dc:description"Figure 6. Preserved tadpoles of Osteocephalus vasquezi sp. nov. and O. mimeticus. A-D. Osteocephalus vasquezi stage 33, CORBIDI 24671; E-H. O. mimeticus, stage 33, CORBIDI 24672. A, E. Dorsal view; B, F. Lateral view; C, G. Ventral view; D, H. Oral apparatus. Photographs of O. vasquezi by E. Toral and O. mimeticus of L. Garcia-Ayachi.";
dc:description"Figure 3. Dorsolateral and ventral views of adult specimens of the four most similar species to Osteocephalus vasquezi sp. nov. A, B. Male of O. festae CORBIDI 758; C, D. Female of O. festae CORBIDI 761; E, F. Male of O. mimeticus CORBIDI 9972 from Mishquillaquillo, San Martin; G, H. Female of O. mimeticus CORBIDI 9970; I, J. Male of O. verruciger CORBIDI 9477; K, L. Female of O. verruciger CORBIDI 9525 from Cordillera de Kampankis, Loreto. Photographs A-H by P. J. Venegas and I-L by A. Catenazzi.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Records of Osteocephalus vasquezi sp. nov. (circles; type locality with a dot), O. festae (triangles), O. mimeticus (pentagons), O. aff. mimeticus (crosses), O. mutabor (diamonds) and O. verruciger (squares). Locality data from specimens deposited at the Centro de Ornitologia y Biodiversidad and Museo de Zoologia of Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador. (Suppl. material 1).";