dc:creator"Chris J. Hodgson; Douglas J. Williams";
dc:title"(Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha, Coccomorpha) with particular reference to species from the Afrotropical, western Palaearctic and western Oriental Regions, with the revival of Antecerococcus Green and description of a new genus and fifteen new species, and with ten new synonomies";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Morphological features of adult females of Cerococcidae. A – E = Posterior abdominal segments and anal lobes. A & B: two Antecerococcus spp.; C: Asterococcus ramakrishnai; D: Cerochiton sp. and E: Cerococcus sp.; where a = large 8 - shaped pores along margins of posterior abdominal segments; b = anteroventral sclerotization; c = anterior margin of median anal plate; d = anal plate; e = dorsal fleshy setae; f = posterior ventral seta; g = anteroventral seta; h = medioventral seta; j = pre-anal seta plus companion seta; k = inner margin spinose setae; m = bullet-shaped dorsal fleshy setae, n = apical seta, and t = outer margin seta. F – H. Spiracles. F = Asterococcus sp. with spiracular disc-pores in a band all round spiracular atrium; G & H with spiracular disc-pores restricted to anterior to peritreme; H with a sclerotized arm extending anteriorly over group of disc-pores. J – N. Apices of stigmatic bands showing variations in the distribution of the spiracular disc-pores and 8 - shaped pores: J = Antecerococcus philippiae, with narrow stigmatic bands, few small 8 - shaped pores and large 8 - shaped pores along margins; K = Antecerococcus fradei, with small 8 - shaped pores in a clear area within stigmatic band apex; L = Cerococcus catenarius, with rather random small 8 - shaped pores within apex but also with a transverse band of 8 - shaped pores dividing apex into two halves; M = Cerococcus asteris, with a loose group of medium-sized 8 - shaped pores within apex, each 8 - shaped pore in a shallow cavity, and N = Cerochiton ficoides, with typical Cerochiton pore arrangement: a group of deeply-sunken large 8 - shaped pores in centre along with frequent spiracular-disc pores, surrounded by a ring of non-sunken large 8 - shaped pores; each apex also with a rather fleshy seta and a very sparse stigmatic band.";